Page 85 of Milo

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“Have them run that shit again.”

“He’s deaf, Malachi.”

“Still, get a second opinion.”

“When Nature wakes up, we’re going to discuss next steps. She’s fucked up about it.”

“The last thing she needs to do is worry about Mason. He’s going to thrive regardless. With you two as parents, there’s literally no way he’ll fail another test in life or of life. Winning is inevitable. This diagnosis isn’t a sentencing, it’s simply a new lesson. Don’t let it distract you guys from the beauty of his birth. Enjoy this time. It won’t come around twice.”

“I know. Shit, four weeks has felt like four days.”

“Blink. I dare you, nigga, and it’ll be four years.”

“Right. Right. Feels that way with Aussie.”


“We’re going to need her help. We might slide through a few days a week over the next few weeks. I’ve paused my schedule to figure this shit out.”

“Pull up on us whenever you need to. I’m pleased to hear you’ve taken the time off to see this through. You’ll realize you needed the time off even more than Mason. Your career is a soft cushion for you. It’s your comfort zone. It helps you zone out, forget the problems outside of your office. Nigga, you got plenty. One is making sure shit is solid with the mother of your child.”

“That’s at the tippy top of my list.”

“As it should be. I need to get off this line. My wife is calling for me. Hit me up tomorrow with whatever information you learn once Nature wakes up. If we need to relieve her a bit and team up at his appointments, I’m down. I’m sure the rest of them knuckleheads with it, too.”

“Four niggas in a doctor’s office with a baby?”

“Two babies. I need to bring Maz, too. Sometimes, I think it’s air between them ears of his.”

“Leave my young nigga alone.”

“And five.”


“You think Pops going to let us slide alone?”

I thought briefly before responding, “Naaaaaah,” shaking my head.

“Exactly. But let me get to the fam. If you haven’t hit me by noon tomorrow, I’ll call you.”

“Bet. Love you, nigga.”



Mason was fast asleep in my arms, unable to keep his eyes open any longer than the conversation with Malachi lasted. As if he’d miss something, he didn’t bow out until the call ended. Patiently, I waited until he was resting well before standing up and taking him to the bassinet where I laid him on his back. I kissed his full cheeks and forehead, watching as he shifted, finding comfort underneath the blanket I’d placed over him.

I stripped down from head to toe, leaving only my briefs. Feeling a few pounds lighter, I lowered my body onto the bed where Nature was sound asleep. Her brown cheeks were flushed a light red, evidence of her emotional state prior to her slumber. I stretched my legs underneath the covers, following up with my arms, pulling Nature into my chest.

The stiffness of her frame voiced her protests, but I continued to slide her across the bed until she surrendered and the silk her robe was created with was pressed against my skin. I wrapped my left arm around her and laid my head against the right one.

Like magnets, our bodies synced, heartbeat and breathing all on one accord. My fingers, with minds of their own, combed her frame, searching until they brushed against her wrist, eventually taking her hand into mine. I kissed her soft, straight hair, pushing forward until I felt the back of her cranium.

“I love you, Nay,” I admitted, closing my eyes as shards of pain soared through my heart.

The quietness of the room was our safe space. Nothing more needed to be said. With our bodies intertwined, peace lulled me to a place that only Nature could guide me.
