Page 87 of Milo

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From his position, I sensed he was leaning over onto his armrest with his phone in front of him as he sat in his driveway.


“Why not? You don’t miss a nigga?”

“Milo, I see you almost every day. Why would I miss you? You haven’t given me a chance to.”

Besides, I don’t want or need to miss you. You’re no good for me.

“You see me every day, Nature, but you don’t see a nigga, for real. You got ya guard up and shit. Not letting a nigga get at you like I want to. So, when I ask if you miss me, I mean, bend your ass over the console miss me. Arch your back, miss me. Get on all fours, miss me. Suck my dick, miss me. Spread them fucking legs and let me eat that shit, miss me. Sit on my face, miss me. Ride this dick, miss me.”

Clenching my jaw, I closed my eyes to rid myself of the visions that aligned with his sentiments.

“That’s what type of time I’m on this weekend, Nay. You trying to get dicked down or what?

“Milo,” I groaned. “Just stop it.”

“Ya six weeks was up last week, Nature, and I ain’t hit that pussy yet. What we waiting on?”

“I’m going to hang up on you.”

“That’s cool, because I’m right outside. I’m going to break the fucking door down again if you do.”

“You need serious help. You didn’t mention being on your way. I assumed I was bringing him.”

“Yeah, well, I saved you the trip. Open the door, I’m coming in.”

“He’s not exactly ready.”

“I’m not in a rush. I can wait.”

“I just need to double check his bag.”

“Open the fucking door, girl. We can discuss that when I get in the house.”

He ended the call, not letting me get out another word. I stood right where I was, closing my eyes and praying to the Lord that I had enough energy to fight off Milo’s advances. I was really looking forward to spending time with Zane and the last thing I wanted was to allow Milo to screw that up for me.

He’d contributed to the end of pregnancy blues and I wasn’t quite done punishing him for his contributions. It was time to get out of the house, from under his skin, and in some fresh air. A few drinks and conversation that didn’t involve Mason, doctor’s appointments, next steps, possible delays, breastmilk, or naptime was something I was looking forward to.





The thunderous knocking hiked my breathing as I opened my eyes and faced the kitchen exit. Though I wasn’t a fan of his beating, I was happy he hadn’t touched the doorbell and awakened Mason. Slowly, I walked through the kitchen, into the dining area, through the living room, and into the hallway that led to the front door.

I watched Milo, standing with his legs locked as far back as they’d stretched, hands in his pockets with a smile on his face. His attractiveness should’ve been labeled a crime. He was the sexiest creature I’d ever seen in my life. The resentment I harbored for him over the last three months was easily forgotten at the sight of him, but I had to stand my ground.

I unlocked the door, hurrying to turn around and head upstairs to get Mason. The more distance between Milo and I, the better I felt. However, he refused to let me get far. His arms were around me, surrounding me and pulling me backward, into his body that smelled like precious wood and sprinkles of black pepper.

“Milo, what are you doing?”

“I’m hugging the mother of my child, showing her that I miss her.”

As the final sentence fell from his lips, he brushed his bottom half across my butt, revealing the underlying meaning of it all. It had been two days since I’d seen him. And two days ago, he hadn’t been as physical as he was at the moment.
