Page 94 of Milo

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I squeezed my hand together, balling my four fingers into my palm and creating a pulse for milk in ASL.

“Hungry? Hmm? That baby hungry?”

Mason giggled as I rounded my hand, leaving space in the middle, and rubbed it from my belly to my throat, right down the center.

“Hungry, buddy?”

With him laying on my arm, I made my way into the kitchen and scooped up the bottle of breastmilk that was cooling down. I tested it on the backside of my hand, satisfied with the temperature. I plopped it right into his mouth.

Greedily, he began chugging. The custom design of the nipple on the bottle was a duplicate of Nature’s, making the transition simple and heavenly for me. Most breastfed babies despised being bottle fed. With the new technology and companies catering to breast babies specifically, things were much easier.

As he finished up his second bottle of the morning, I moved about the kitchen, making a plate for both Nature and I. The first plate went down on the table just as he completed the four ounces he’d been given. I removed the bottle from his mouth to prevent air from entering his system and causing gas. Just when I positioned him on my shoulder to pat his back, a large burp exited his tiny body.

“Goddamn, boy.”

I held him up in the air, trying to make sure that had come from him. His lazy smile and low lids revealed his near future. Mason was ready to hit the sack, again. It was time for his midday nap and I refused to get in the way of that. Quick on my feet, I pulled the bassinet into the living room and removed the blanket that he loved most.

I wrapped it around his body after double checking his diaper. It was still dry. Swaddled, he went back down without a fuss. I didn’t have to wait it out or rock him. Mason would, undoubtedly, fall asleep on his own, so I let him be and continued my work in the kitchen.

“Morning.” Nature yawned as I set the last plate on the table.

Taking a look in her direction, I paused briefly.

“Okaaaaay,” she responded to my silence.

I noticed she wasn’t wearing the clothes I’d set out for her to lounge in if that was what her plans were. Just as I fixed my mouth to ask, she explained.

“I’m not sure who left their clothes over here, but I’m not into hand-me-downs, Milo.”

“Those are your clothes, Nature, so are the ones in the closet of that room if you’d care to check. I pulled the tag off them this morning.”

“My clothes?” she questioned.

“Yes. They’ve been there since you had Mason. I expected you guys here much sooner than this weekend.”

Feeling foolish, she caved, slumping in the chair she’d sat in.

“I know you like to make yourself believe I’m some type of villain in this situation, but I’m not.”

“I never said that, Milo.”

“Then why would you even fix your mouth to say some shit like that, Nay? Why would that even cross your mind? Seriously, you think I’d lay another woman’s clothes out for you? I’m not you.”

“OK.” She sighed. “We’re getting to the underlying message of this now. I’d appreciate it if you simply said whatever it is on your mind instead of poking around it.”

“I’m not poking around. You didn’t give me time. I had every intention of saying exactly what’s on my mind. I’ve never had an issue with that.”

“OK. Then, go ahead, Milo.”

“You fucking him?”

That wasn’t the question I wanted to ask, but it came right out because I truly wanted to—needed to know.

“You’re asking questions that has absolutely nothing to do with you and that you really don’t want to know the answer to, Milo.”

Chuckling, I sat back in my seat, uninterested in the food in front of me. My appetite no longer existed. Staring across the table at Nature’s undeniable beauty, even in the early morning, I wanted nothing more than to bend her smart mouth ass over the table and fuck her until she forgave me for old and new, put her ass to bed, and then go find the nigga that was gunning for my spot.

“Just answer the question.”
