Page 54 of Resisting Allie

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Allie drank in the lust and love portrayed on Brett’s rugged face, never surer of anything when she responded, “I love you, and I’ve never said that to another man, so, yes.”

Reed lifted his head at Allie’s cry of release, the soft look of contentment etched on his brother’s face one he was glad to see, even if he did envy Brett’s good fortune. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Brett now that he was free of Gina. He hoped someday he found someone special like Allie. Unbidden, his partner’s wife, Lily, popped into his head, and, not for the first time, he wished he could clear the sadness from her eyes, tell her John wasn’t worth her consideration. Slade strode up to the bar and perched on a stool, and Reed shoved thoughts of Lily and John aside.

“Did Deb bail on you already?” he asked his younger brother.

Between the three of them, Reed was always the peacemaker, and he’d lost count of how many times he had to come between Slade and Brett when they butted heads.

“Restroom. Need a break? I can take over,” Slade offered.

“No, I’m good.” Reed leaned his forearms on the bar top, his gaze swinging back to Brett and Allie. “Big brother did much better this time around.”

Slade glanced at the couple then back at Reed. “She’s good for him, nothing like Gina.”

“One reason why it will work this time. Brett believes you know who perpetrated the vandalism a few weeks ago.” His hopes of catching Slade with his guard down in order to get an honest answer were dashed when he returned Reed’s bland stare.

“Nope, nothing for sure, and I won’t accuse anyone without proof.”

“But it was one of our employees, right?” Reed persisted, the very thought pissing him off. They were good to their hired hands, provided higher than average wages and benefits, decent hours and working conditions.

Slade hesitated, shrugging. “I think so, but again, I’m not sure, so don’t say anything.”

Reed straightened as Deb joined Slade, wearing a look of contentment. That curl of envy cramped his gut again even knowing their relationship was more a friends-with-benefits deal. He was starting to think that’s what he should settle for but couldn’t bring himself to accept that fate just yet.

Maybe someday a woman would walk into his life and turn it upside down, the same way Allie had Brett’s. Until then, Reed would ease his loneliness and needs with an occasional member of their group and count his blessings.

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