Page 90 of Cato

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I watched, stomach tensing, as all the doors of those cars opened up, and no fewer than twenty men dressed all in black came out of the cars.

The sun was high in the sky, bouncing off the metal of their guns as they casually circled the building.

The fuck?

What the fuck was I about to be a witness to?

Even as I reached toward the gear shift, ready to back my ass out of there, though, there was a tap on my driver’s window.

I saw the gun that had done the tapping first.

Then the man holding it.

A tall, fit, Asian man in another of those all-black outfits.

My hand shot out toward my passenger seat where I had a gun stashed under my bag full of food.

But it was then that I heard another tap.

Another gun.

Another man.

One look in the rearview dashed any hopes that I could just throw it into reverse and floor it the fuck out of this clusterfuck of a situation.

I sat there, not sure what the fuck my next move was, what was going on, and why I was suddenly a part of it.

I heard no gunshots.

But this was a warehouse outfitted as an illegal club. I imagined there was some decent soundproofing going on inside. And I was as far away as I could be while keeping the building in sight.

I sat there, pulse pounding, keeping the guys in my peripheral vision. Which was how I saw when one of them reached for his phone, pulling it to his ear, and listening before tucking it away again.

Then he nodded to his counterparts, and he was tapping the muzzle of his gun on my window once again.

When I looked over, he jerked his head in a way that suggested I open my door.

I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.

Maybe I could have tried to shoot it out with these three guys.

But not the five or six others that were already standing outside of the warehouse.

On a sigh, I cut the engine, then opened the door, reminding myself that I had an ankle holster. If I bided my time, I could still try to get out of this.

Take down one of these guys, use their gun, take out more.

It wasn’t a great plan.

But it was all I had.

There just wasn’t an opening before being led into the building.

Where I found bodies scattered all around, blood blooming through the fabric of their shirts, heads all but exploded with bullets, their limbs landed in odd angles as they died before they even hit the floor.

“Christ,” I hissed, looking around.

They were everywhere.
