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“We’re ready, Ari,” Frey said.

I gave him the nod to set sail and hugged one arm around the dragon’s head sternpost, breathing in the sharp sea air.

Another war won. More enemies dispatched to the hells.

Niall Grym had been executed at the hand of his brother after Valen had played the king and allowed it to be so. There was a bit of satisfaction knowing Luca had gotten his vengeance. I’d been educated on the suffering of his lover, of what Niall had done to keep their small family torn apart. The man deserved to have every scale of skin peeled off slowly.

To learn the cruel acts of Niall Grym had left a sour taste in my mouth, and with too many haunting memories that I had slept very little since the battle ended.

I drew in a long breath through my nose, seeking even a bit of the carefree satisfaction that we’d survived and had nothing but bright days ahead, but there was disquiet in my veins. As if a bit of darkness still remained under the surface of victory.

I would keep a distant watch over Gunnar. The prince had lived as a Kryv for two turns. He was capable of slitting a throat, but I would be a backup should he need it. Meanwhile, I made plans to look deeper into Queen Astrid.

She’d played a vicious game and I did not trust her. And now, thanks to Bracken, I needed to consider what to do with my new serf shackled to me for the unforeseeable future.

Her betrayal for standing with Astrid cut open my chest and pummeled my heart to a bloody, bitter pulp.

All hells, I did not even know why I cared other than there was an unwilling pull to understand Saga. To know why she seemed frigid and cold, but had a look of weary concern for others in her eyes.

I had secrets. But I was certain so did she.

Then, there was the other cause of my disquiet.

Jaw tight, I dug into my pocket and removed the wrinkled piece of parchment from Calista. The words had taunted me since that day on the sea. My thumb brushed over the slanted writing, re-reading the missive for the hundredth time.

Hate burns with love when moonlight makes hidden truths known. Follow the raven and heal a broken crown and broken heart.

I did not know what it all meant. I knew the haunting raven following me all this time had some purpose. But what, I couldn’t say.

My gaze lifted. I froze. In the same moment, Saga’s eyes locked on mine across the ship. She glared her own hatred, then whipped around, facing the sea.

I clenched my teeth until they ached and shoved the parchment back into my pocket, forcing my back to the woman. It would be too soon before I looked at her again.

Hate burns with love.

The only person on this ship I hated was Saga. I shunned the idea that anything but disdain could be felt for the woman.

Hate for her would never burn into anything close to love.

Not even the gods could grant such miracles.

* * *
