Page 38 of Let Her Hide

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The anger gave way to a cold, calculating determination. He would find her, and he would make her pay. He would make her suffer for what she had done to him, for abandoning him when he needed her most.

He stared down at the file, his eyes scanning over the notes on Rebecca's therapy sessions. He studied her fears, her vulnerabilities, the things that made her tick.She had a fear of insects. That was good.

Insects would be the last thing she ever saw.

Beautiful, buzzing, stinging insects.


Fiona's heart raced as she stood on the porch of Jason's house. Beside her, Jake shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a frown creasing his brow beneath his shaggy brown hair. After some moments, the door creaked open, and Jason appeared, looking no less suspicious than he had when they'd questioned him yesterday. His pale blue eyes flickered between Fiona and Jake, and for a moment, Fiona thought she saw a flash of fear in their icy depths.

"It's you guys again," Jason said. "What's going on? Did you find out what happened to Carrie?"

"Jason," Fiona began, trying to keep her voice steady despite the anxious energy coursing through her veins. "Do you attend Wellness Therapy?"

His gaze flicked away for a second before returning to meet hers. "Yeah," he said quietly. "That's where I go."

A flicker of relief passed through Fiona, but it was quickly replaced by a renewed sense of urgency. She glanced at Jake, who gave her a subtle nod of encouragement.

"Who's your therapist there, Jason?" she asked, watching his face closely for any signs of deception.

"Dr. Thompson," he replied.

So, he didn't see Dr. Fitzgerald, which only reaffirmed that he was innocent. It seemed that Craig and Gary saw Fitzgerald, but Jason had seen Thompson and told him about Carrie.

Fiona felt a knot of frustration tighten in her chest.

Wellness Therapywasthe link between all the victims.

But now they had to find out who inside was the culprit. It could be someone in reception, one of the therapists, maybe even a janitor. Fiona had no idea.

"What can you tell us about the clinic?" Jake asked, clearly on the same page as Fiona. "Does anyone there strike you as odd?"

Jason hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting nervously between Fiona and Jake. "I don't know," he said finally. "I mean, there are some people there who are a little... unusual. But that's kind of the point, isn't it? We're all there because we have issues."

Fiona nodded, her mind racing. She had a feeling that Jason wasn't telling them everything, but she didn't want to push too hard. Not yet.

"I'm more referring to the staff," Jake said. "What has your experience been like there?"

"It's been pretty good," Jason said. "Honestly, I don't have any complaints... Dr. Thompson is great, and the nurses and receptionists are all really nice. They even have massage therapists there and other relaxation specialists. I always thought Carrie would've loved that place, but I didn't start going until she broke up with me..."

Fiona's mind whirred with possibilities. She knew from experience that the most dangerous people were often the ones who seemed the most harmless. She studied Jason's face, searching for any signs of deception, but he seemed genuinely confused by their questions.

"Thanks, Jason," she said finally, letting out a sigh. "That's really helpful."

They turned to go, but Jason called out after them. "Hey, wait... do you think... do you think something's wrong at the clinic? Like, something to do with Carrie?"

Fiona hesitated, her mind racing. They couldn't give away too much, not yet. But she knew that they needed to tread carefully if they were going to catch the person responsible for Carrie's disappearance.

"We're just trying to gather information," she said finally.

"But if you think of anything that might help, let us know," Jake said.

Jason nodded. As they turned to leave, Fiona's mind raced with possibilities. If the killer wasn't Dr. Fitzgerald, then who could it be? The common thread between the victims was clear: each had abandoned someone important in their lives. The killer must have access to the patient files at Wellness Therapy, using that information to stalk and target those who had caused others pain.

As they walked back to Jake's car, Fiona's thoughts twisted into a tangled web of anger for the victims – Craig, Carrie, and Gary – who had met such a cruel fate at the hands of this vengeful killer. She knew she couldn't let this monster continue to exact their twisted form of justice on unsuspecting people. The stakes were too high, and the lives of more potential victims hung in the balance.

"Jake," she said, her voice low and determined as they reached the car and got in. "We need to find out who else at Wellness Therapy might have access to patient files. We can't let the killer strike again."
