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Shit, in all my daydreaming, I’ve missed her talking to me. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked if you really think we can pull this off. Daisy, we could end up dead. I think we need to be realistic here. Plus, I have Chris to think of.”

“How did Chris end up with you when you met him in Barcelona?” She is clearly taken aback that I know exactly where she met him. “Look, I can’t explain fully how I found you. If you knew I would have to kill you!” She laughs, it’s the best thing ever to watch her beautiful face bloom. I’ve missed it so much.

“Daisy Simpson, I think there’s a lot more going on with you than you’re letting on. What exactly did you study in university?” Oh, If only she knew the truth. Which she never can, not without the risk of me getting banged up.

“All you need to know, Callie Compton, is that I’m good at what I do and with my considerable skill, I can help us achieve our very big but realistic goal of getting you home free and clear of danger.”

“Well, how the hell can I say no after that empowered speech?”

“You can’t, so shall we get to it?” Her perfect left eyebrow arches. If only she knew how much I would love toget to itwith her.

“We need to bring Chris into this. And to answer your earlier question, I brought him along because he needed someone and frankly, so did I. His dad threatened to send him to a conversion camp so he ran. Don’t worry, he’s nineteen. I checked his passport.”

“Motherfucker.” My hatred towards those camps is unwavering, as is my contempt for any parent who would ever consider sending their child to one.

“Whoa there, Daisy, that’s some strong language,” Callie laughs. As younger kids, I didn’t like swearing. I heard it too often from my dad and it was usually directed towards me. Now, well, I swear like a sailor.

“I’m not the sweet Daisy you remember, Callie. I’m all grown up.” I arch my eyebrow back at her. We stay locked in a stare until we are interrupted by Chris. He’s freshly showered and in a pair of cargo shorts with way too many pockets and a loose tank.

“I take it we don’t need to make a mad dash for the border then?” he grins at Callie. They’ve formed a bond, it’s plain to see.

“No, we’re good. Grab some breakfast and join us. We have a lot to discuss.” He gives a mock salute, then disappears. “So, how did you find me?”

“I followed the trail of women’s panties you were dropping all across Europe.” I almost laugh out loud when her eyes bug at my forthrightness. “I hope you get tested regularly.” At that, she almost chokes on her coffee and I can’t hide my grin.

“Jesus, warn a girl would you…” She’s mopping up coffee that’s dribbled down her chin. Chris sits down with coffee and a plate full to the brim with pastries.

“What did I miss?” I only just read his lips before a croissant is unceremoniously shoved in his mouth.

“Daisy was just telling me how she found me.”

“It was the women, wasn’t it?” he grins. I’m impressed. I can tell he was the one to figure it out. Maybe when this is done, I could introduce him to my boss (not sleazy Gary). They’re always interested in people with minds like mine. Someone like Chris’ if I’m not mistaken.

“Yeah,” Callie mumbles, but she’s still signing so I can understand. Her face has gone a delightful shade of red. “

“You don’t have to sign, Cal. I can lip read.” As much as I appreciate her signing, it’s a lot for her to do when I’m guessing she hasn’t had to interpret for a while. I don’t mind lip-reading for a while.

“No. Wet Fish.” Callie says seriously with a scowl. I throw back my head and laugh. Chris is looking at us like we’ve lost the plot. Callie is grinning at the reminder. Back in the day, no matter who we were with, Callie would always sign. I knew she got the piss taken out of her for it. I’m deaf, not blind. I would see the other kids ask her why she bothered. As you can imagine, the children we grew up with were products of their parents through and through, aka assholes.

Callie would never listen though. She would always include me and a lot of the time I felt bad that I was causing her problems. I told her she didn’t have to sign, and that I was okay to lip read. Her response was to tell me that if I said that to her one more time, she would slap me with a wet fish.

I have tears coming down my face, and my stomach is aching. I nod my head. “Okay, not the wet fish, I swear I won’t say that again.”

“Good.” Callie mock huffs and then laughs.

“I’ve clearly missed something. Is it a lesbian thing?” Chris asks seriously, causing both me and Callie to stare at him.

“Is what a lesbian thing?” Callie chokes.

“The wet fish reference.” Chris is absolutely serious. I look at Callie and burst out laughing again.

“No, it bloody well isn’t. Get your mind out of the gutter, young man.” Callie laughs.

“Aren’t lady bits...”

“Stop!” I shout. I can’t take it anymore. The conversation has veered way off course and I’m not talking lady bits with this guy. He smiles sheepishly and then chuckles.
