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“No idea, never tried, but I’ll give it a bash!”

“Good enough. Daisy, how do you feel about being a maid?” My head goes to a very inappropriate vision of me as a maid servicing Callie.Not helpful Daisy.

“I’m game.” I’ll do whatever I need to do to get us out of this situation. Dressing up as a maid isn’t really that bad.

“Okay, first you need to acquire a uniform. The housekeeper will be moving from room to room. As soon as she’s done, the bloke will probably try again. I need you there to keep him away.” I nod. “Chris, you need to start a small fire at the back of the kitchens. That way, it will get noticed quickly. It has to be big enough that they call the fire brigade. I don’t want to cause damage, be we don’t have much choice.”

“What will you do?” Is she going to do something dangerous?

“I have two jobs. First, I need to get eyes on this guy and try to figure out if he’s alone. Second, I will break into our rooms from the bathroom windows. They are woefully secured. Once I have our things, we will meet at the back of the restaurant.”

“Okay.” Chris has a look of determination on his face. “Why do we need the fire brigade here if you’re just going to break in through the back?”

“We need everyone to be kept back. The fire department will set up a perimeter. Whoever is here will have to wait until the fire is cleared. It will take roughly five minutes for the fire brigade to arrive—”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“I checked last night. It’s always a good idea to know response times of the services. You never know when you will need their help.”

Can you imagine living your life like this? It’s second nature for her to figure this kind of shit out. I would bet everything I own that she already had several plans ready to go in case this happened before we even arrived last night.

“Okay, let’s go. Chris, get that fire started as soon as you can. Remember, it has to be big enough that a fire extinguisher won’t be able to douse it. Be careful and make sure no one can get hurt. Got it?”

“Got it.” With that, he leaves.

“Daisy, put your hair up in a bun. If they caught sight of you this morning, they would have seen you with your hair down. Don’t do it until you’re in the motel, though. I doubt he or they will be waiting inside. It’s likely they’re in a car. I’ll spot them easy enough. The maids will keep their uniforms in the staff room. You have to get in there quickly and get to our rooms.”

“Be careful, Callie.” I lean over and kiss her on the cheek. There isn’t enough time for sentimental feelings. Chris will be getting the fire going soon, and I need to do my job. For Callie. I walk out of the restaurant, careful not to look like I’m scouring the area for some douchebag manhunter.

Callie was right. There isn’t anyone in the foyer when I enter the motel. Hell, there isn’t anyone anywhere or cameras. I swiftly check around me before pushing through to the staff room. It’s the only door marked private. An educated guess that turns out to be correct.

The room is dingy. Five lockers rest against the back wall. A small table with mismatched chairs is in the middle. To the left is a kitchenette with a fridge. Now I just hope there is a locker open with a uniform. Unsurprisingly, the lockers are broken. I raid each one until I find a dishwater grey dress that the maids wear. Not quite the fantasy I first had when Callie suggested I take on the role.

I put my hair up in a bun using a beige hair tie I find in the same locker as the uniform. I cringe as I put it in my hair.Please, please, please don’t let me get lice. The thought makes me shudder and I almost rip it out. Once I have my gag reflex under control, I grab a maid’s cart. The people who work here really don’t give a shit about protecting the motel’s property.

If Callie was taking on the role of “hard-working maid” as I am, I know she would do a much better and convincing job than me. Maybe I should have swapped tasks. In fact, I definitely should have. I’m the one who can go about unnoticed. Callie is the actor. Shit, I’m going to screw this up.

Something is off. Callie would know that she is the better person to go undercover. If that’s what you call it. Why did she give me the job? She sent Chris away too. Crap, she’s going to leave us. If I know one thing, it’s that Callie Compton would never put the people she cares about in danger. Someone being here, getting this close, qualifies as me and Chris being in danger. I think she plans to lure them away, leaving us behind. Not a fucking chance, not if I have anything to say about it.

Ignoring what Callie told me to do, I head back to the restaurant. Callie is gone, but I can smell smoke in the air. The alarm in the restaurant is wailing and people are filing out into the parking lot. I turn to see several motel guests leaning out of their doors, trying to see what’s going on. There are sirens in the distance. Callie was right. The emergency services will get here quickly.

Chris runs up behind me, grabbing my elbow and making me shriek. In all the chaos, I’ve lost my bearings. Where is Callie? “What are you doing?” Chris asks, looking slightly petrified at the commotion around us. He must be scared. I am.

“I think Callie is going to do something stupid.” And it would be stupid. We all need to stick together, but Callie is used to doing things on her own now.

“What do you mean?” I go to answer, but I’m stopped by a firefighter ushering us away from the buildings. Two engines have arrived and there are so many people I’m starting to feel claustrophobic. The firefighter pushes us through the crowd until we are free from everyone. My heart rate spikes because the firefighter is still leading us away. Soon we will be out of sight. Fuck, I think we are being kidnapped.

“Don’t worry, I’m not kidnapping you.” Who knew Spanish firefighters could sign? Hang on. I bring myself to a stop, grabbing the helmet of the person who is leading us to a motorhome. Callie’s beautiful face is beaming back at me when the helmet and face mask are removed. “Hey you two, nice job.” She sticks her thumbs up at us both.

My body is feeling a lot of things right now. Relief, that we are not actually being kidnapped. Anger that Callie didn’t tell me the whole plan, anxiety because this is a fucked up situation, and lust. That’s right, lust! Callie Compton in a fucking firefighter uniform is a lesbian’s wet dream.

“Jump in the camper, we need to go.” Callie is stripping away the uniform one article at a time. If I carried cash in notes, I would be sticking them down her trousers right now. Am I dribbling?

“Daisy?” Callie is waving in front of my face with a grin. Shit, she caught me staring. Chris has noticed too if his smirk is anything to go by. I roll my eyes. Whatever, I own my lusting, thank you very much!

“Whose vehicle is this?” There’s no way we are stealing a bloody camper van. The door to said vehicle swings open. Out step two of the most ordinary people I have ever seen. They have to be English. I imagine their house is beige and full of doilies.

“Ah, Laura, you’re back.” The man with the beige cardigan and comb-over says talking to Callie. Must remember her name is Laura now.
