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“Here we go. A nice pot of tea to settle everyone down.” Meryl busied herself with tea making whilst I filled in Daisy and Chris about what had just happened. They seem to be happy enough to go along with my story.

“Meryl, thank you so much.” I really am grateful there are still such good people in the world.

“Oh, no need to keep thanking us, dear. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters. Now you and Poppy can have the second double room. Bobby can take the single. We’re heading for Italy, so feel free to stay with us as long as you need.” Fucking perfect! Finally, we’re catching a break. Touch wood, we can stay with Derek and Meryl all the way to Italy.

“May I use the bathroom?” Daisy asks.

“Of course, love,” Meryl shouts. I need to talk to her about that. Daisy nods and heads to the back of the bus.

“Meryl, you don’t need to shout. She won’t be able to hear you, but she can read your lips. I can even try to teach you some sign if you like?”

“Really? Oh, that would be wonderful. I’m sorry if I’m upsetting her.” Meryl does look sincere.

“Let’s start with your name.” Meryl sits down with me and I take her through her name in sign. Chris has perked up, too. Maybe a sign language lesson is a good way for us all to decompress. Daisy exits the bathroom and stops. She has a slight blush on her face. I wish she didn’t feel as if someone learning to speak to her was something to feel embarrassed about.

Meryl beams like a floodlight when she turns to Daisy and signs her name. Daisy smiles widely and sits with us. For the first time in all the years of knowing Daisy, she actually participates in teaching. Maybe that’s who she is now? I hope so. I love the thought that Daisy found her confidence. She did the right thing leaving ten years ago.

We’re two hours in and Derek announces that he’s pulling over to stretch his legs. I’m hoping that some food is going to be on offer because I could eat a scabby donkey. No one wants to see a hangry Callie. I spend a few minutes with Derek discussing our location. Right now, we are just outside a town called Amposta. Another hour and a half and we will be near Barcelona. I don’t love that we are close to Barcelona, not after being there not so long ago.

Derek assures me we won’t be stopping again until we hit the French border. I’m fine with that. Now that we are safe, I want to talk to Daisy. We have a conversation to finish. Before that though, I need food. Meryl saves the day with a plate full of sandwiches. Chris starts to salivate and I laugh because I have seen that lad eat. Meryl will need a few more loaves of bread if she’s going to keep up with his metabolism and appetite.

Daisy screws her face up after taking a bite of a cheese sandwich. I laugh again because there is only one thing that makes her pull that face, and it’s Marmite. She is a hater, whereas I am a firm lover of the black goo. Naturally, she hands the rest of it to me to finish. It’s almost as if no time has passed and we’re teens again sharing our lunch.

Millie, the motorhome, is parked across two bays in the car park in a national park. It feels really good to have a breather. We all fill our lungs with some fresh air. My mind wanders back to the discussion I had with Daisy this morning. I understand that she doesn’t want to start anything just yet, but, my god, I can’t help but think about it.

Daisy Simpson is into me and has been since we were teens. Talk about breaking news! I could kick myself. If I had just told her back then, we could have been together. She would have been my first and only. Yeah, yeah, I know everyone will bleat on about young love never lasting and all that crap, but I know in my very essence that she was put on this earth to be with me.

I want her in every way, especially biblically. Daisy is hot, and she wants to ogle my bum. Her words, not mine. Or did I say that? Whatever, ogling will happen and if I get my way so will some much needed sexy times. Let’s see what happens when we share a room tonight.

The sun is shining and there is a light breeze. Derek is off taking photos with Chris. That makes me smile. Chris needs it. I think he’s been starved of enough love to last him a lifetime. Good man Derek! Daisy and Meryl are setting up the rest of the sandwiches on a picnic table. It looks like Meryl raided Tesco before setting off. Ooh, she brought Quavers!

When Chris is done taking photos I will check in with him. He was really quiet after the whole restaurant fire thing and I’m worried. This is probably all too much. Maybe I could speak to Derek and Meryl, ask if he can stay with them for a while? Cheeky, considering we hardly know them and they’re already doing so much for us, but hell, you have to be cheeky sometimes. Especially if it involves your family and protecting them. Chris is a part of my new family now.

Now the adrenaline has worn off, my arm aches. I wasn’t as graceful getting out of the restaurant toilet window as I thought. I have a graze on my elbow, and it’s slightly puffy. Blood has stained my T-shirt, which is a pain in the ass. I only have so many clothes to wear. I’ll clean myself up later.

Meryl has put on a great spread. She’s made enough sandwiches to feed an army or one Chris. Daisy has relaxed now. I think Meryl’s attempt at sign broke through some of her walls. The two of them are chatting away like crazy now. Chris and Derek are in a heated discussion about The Wombles. I don’t even want to know.

I finish off the last of the cheese and Marmite sandwiches. I could do with five minutes on my own to decompress. It’s a bizarre feeling being surrounded by people again. Daisy looks at me as I get up from the bench. I let her know I’m going to have a quick walk. She doesn’t try to follow.

Breathing exercises have always worked for me. Deep breath in, count to five… Slow breath out, count to eight.Alright, Callie, time to figure out how the hell that guy found us!Actually, what I should be trying to work out iswhothe guy was. If he wasn’t a nephew, then there is someone else involved now. I’m stumped if I know who. It’s possible that one of Betty’s business partners is sending their own henchmen. She hasn’t exactly done a fab job of finding me herself.

My Spidey sense tells me it’s something else, something I haven’t considered. I should talk to Daisy. She’s the one who is good at thinking outside of the box. Chris too, actually. He’s proven to be a very smart cookie. We have to work it out soon. It’s no good changing locations if we’re going to be found each time. Daisy needs to do a sweep of all her electronics again. Could it be Chris that is being followed? He told me he’s switched his phone off, but is that enough? I have no clue.

The walk has helped a little, but not enough. Bypassing my comrades, I enter Millie—yes, I snigger at my own dirty thought—to take a quick shower. Meryl was quick to tell us we should treat the place like home. I’m not going to argue. I need to clean my cut and put on some fresh clothes. For a motorhome the water pressure is pretty good. I don’t want to use up all the hot water though, so I’m quick.

The bedroom that I will be sharing with Daisy is nice. The bed is a little smaller than a double but it looks comfy. My duffle is on the floor; I rummage around taking everything out placing it on the bed. Finally I find a pair of pants and a bra. I successfully have underwear on and I’m putting everything back in my bag when I hear the door behind me open and then close. I turn around to find Daisy staring at me, her eyes are wide and she’s blushing. That’s when I look at the items in my hand.

Chapter 14


Callie is standing in the bedroom in her underwear, clutching a dildo and tube of Durex Sensitive Lube. I have lost all cognitive function. Black lace, creamy skin, and a dildo. Am I hallucinating? Doubtful. If I were, Callie wouldn’t be looking at me with such a panicked look on her face. We just stand staring at each other. Seconds tick by and still staring.

I can think of only one reason she is standing there in underwear holding a dildo and now I feel bad because I’ve clearly interrupted her “alone time.” I’m no stranger to self-servicing; a girl’s got needs, you know. If Callie needed a bit of time to decompress with her silicone buddy, who am I to judge? I just don’t know how to extricate myself from this very awkward and silent moment.

I’d only come into the room to check my laptop. I wanted to do another security sweep on it. Plus, I should contact my boss. My job still needs doing, even if it is from the road. Jesus, why am I babbling on about that? Callie Compton is standing in front of me with a fucking dildo and I haven’t said one word. I clear my throat because it’s as dry as Penny’s Victoria sponge cake.

“I… I’m sorry, I’ll just…” I hook my thumb over my shoulder to indicate I’m going to leave her to it.

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