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“I get that Callie, but I don’t see why we can’t stay with them until Florence. No one knows we are here—”

“That we know of, Chris.” Callie interjects. She’s right, we still haven’t figured out who the guy at the motel was or how he found us.

“It’s a couple of days. Surely we can stick with them for that long?” I can see the concern in Callie’s eyes. If it were just her, she’d have gone by now. Her name would have changed, as well as her appearance. She looks at me, searching for an answer. I put my arm on Chris’ shoulder to get his attention.

“Why don’t you stay with them, Chris? I’m not trying to get rid of you, but I don’t think me or Callie are happy that you’re involved either. Meryl and Derek would be happy to take you in for a while, I know it. They’re good people that can keep you safe. Just until we’re done and then if you want, you can come to us.”

I hadn’t meant to say all that, but it makes sense. I understand that Callie took him in because he needed someone, but now, with all the uncertainty, I don’t think he should stay. Derek and Meryl have treated him like their own since we met them. I have no doubt in my mind they would be more than happy to look after him for a while. They strike me as empty nest people. I look at Callie. I can see she agrees and is thankful that I was the one to suggest it.

“You don’t want me with you?”

“Chris, you know that’s not what Daisy means. Can you honestly tell me you want to leave the security of this van to trek around Europe hoping we don’t get caught by people that will do unspeakable things to us? I don’t want to fucking do it myself, mate, but I have zero choice. You do. I want you safe. As Daisy said, after all this is over, if you want to come and stay with me I would love it. We might not have known each other for long, but you are very important to me. I want to protect you.”

Chris looks between us. He’s conflicted, it’s written all over his face. I think he feels a deep connection to Callie and is afraid to lose her, but I can also tell he wants to be safe. He needs stability after having such a shitty time of it. “Derek and Meryl might not want a tag along.”

Callie turns her head. Something has caught her attention. I follow suit. Derek is standing just outside the van door. “You can stay with us as long as you want to. We will keep you safe until you can go home to Callie and Daisy.” Shit, fuck and arsehole. Derek must have heard the entire conversation if he knows our real names. I look frantically at Callie, but she seems calm.

“I’m sorry we lied about our names, Derek.”

“No, no need for apologies. I get you three are trying to protect yourselves. I completely understand. Can I tell you something?” We all nod. “Meryl and I adopted our son when he was thirteen. He came to us because he was being abused by his dad. Beaten regularly because he was effeminate. His biological dad didn’t want a gay son, so he thought he could toughen him up with violence.

“Thankfully his behaviour was reported. Glen ended up in foster care. We’d been foster parents for years, but when Glen got placed with us, we knew straight the way that we should be his forever home. We were meant to keep him safe. I have that feeling with you, Chris. I understand you’re not a young kid thatneedsparents, but you still deserve to have people that will love and support you. Callie and Daisy are two of those people and I believe Meryl and I could be, as well.”

Well, fuck me, I’m bawling now. How I wish I’d had parents like Derek and Meryl. Chris’ throat is bobbing, so he’s trying to stop from blubbering too. Callie is the only one who has a gigantic smile on her face. “I knew you were good people when I saw you, but, wow! Derek, I can’t thank you two enough. Really, I can’t even—”

“Say no more.” Meryl says, stepping up next to Derek. “We are honoured to help. Everyone deserves love and safety and if that’s what you need from us, Chris, you got it.”

My legs are moving before my brain registers what I’m doing. I pull Derek and Meryl into me and hug them with everything I have. I wouldn’t say I’m a pessimist, maybe more a realist. Can you blame me after growing up where I did and being treated the way I was? But here, right now, I’m so happy that the universe is giving me a reason to be hopeful, that there are still good people in this world that are only motivated by kindness and love.

Meryl hugs me tight. After a few moments, I feel pressure all around me. It’s the good kind of pressure, the reassuring kind. I tilt my head and see that Callie and Chris have joined us in a big group hug. We stay like that for a long time. I think all three of us needed to feel this. We’ve all been let down by the people who were supposed to love us the most in the world. We were dealt a shitty hand. Derek and Meryl can’t make up for all those years of hurt and neglect but they can give us what we need now.

We eventually pull away and start laughing. “Let’s get breakfast and talk some more,” Meryl says with a smile and a wink. Callie pulls my hand and holds me back whilst the others go back inside.

“Can I just hold you for a little longer?” Damn, I’d let this woman hold me forever. I nod. She moves in and wraps her arms around me. I bury my face in her hair. One day, I will bring her back to this stretch of coastline and hold her like this. That thought gives me hope and I cling on to it. For now we are okay, for now we have each other and we can dream about the future.

Chapter 17


So we stayed with Derek and Meryl until Florence. Thankfully, we had no run-ins, it seems that we really did give the guy at the motel the slip. My heart feels lighter knowing that Chris is with Derek and Meryl. It sucked major balls having to say goodbye to him, but I know in my gut it was right. We all bought burner phones. He’s got our contact details and we have his plus, Derek’s and Meryl’s. I meant what I said to him. If he decides he wants to stay with me when it’s all done, I will welcome him with open arms.

Seeing that photo from Betty really drove it home for me. Running isn’t an option. I can’t let her get away with what she’s doing. I dread to think how many other families have suffered at the hands of that woman. And for what? Power? Money? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

Betty never gave me her origin story, so I have no idea how she came to be the woman she is now. Does it matter though? She’s done what she’s done and now she has to pay for it. I feel empowered by Daisy. For once, I believe we can actually achieve what we set out to do.

Three more pieces of the book, that’s all we need. Daisy has told me that she will figure out who we need to give the information to. I’m guessing MI5 now. She’s definitely working for the government. I really hope she’s some bad ass spy. Can you imagine the role play? Oh, if she calls me Money Penny…

Sexy times will have to wait until we get to our next hotel. Daisy said she wants us to wait, but I can’t and, actually, I doubt she can either. What’s the point? We might as well screw our way through this. At least it will lighten the mood. Being in a perpetual state of fear and anxiety is exhausting. I’m twenty-eight. I don’t need a fucking ulcer just yet.

I’ve decided to take Daisy to see the sights in Florence. The pages in Orvieto aren’t going anywhere and we have been nonstop from the moment Daisy found me. We need to talk about what she’s going to tell Betty. We may as well have that conversation over a bottle of wine and pasta.

“Have you been here before?” I’ll feel a bit of a tit playing tour guide if she’s already visited.

“Nope, never. I went to Rome once with a girl but just for the weekend.”

I hate that sentence. Who was this girl? Ugh, I bet they did stuff, probably all weekend. I think my face has just given me away because Daisy is now laughing at me, shaking her head.

“Yes, Callie, I had girlfriends and shockingly had sex before you.”
