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“I can help, Callie. You need to let me help.”

“You have the code to work on.” I huff out a breath because she is right. I want to get the code broken as soon as possible.

“I’m going to work on it tonight, so I can help you tomorrow. Okay?”

“Alright. Look, let’s get some shut-eye. As much as I would love to ravage you right now, I can barely keep myself upright.”

“You can ravage me any time. Sleep.”

I settle into bed but keep the little lamp on. Callie is snoring under five minutes, leaving me to work on the code. I apply my theory and sure enough, I have a list of Account numbers and Sort codes, but I can’t be sure that they’re correct. I need my laptop. It’s the only way to be sure. Shit, what do I do? At some point I’m going to have to contact someone to help me.

Hours must have passed by the time I make a decision. Once we have the last bit of the book tomorrow, I’m going to insist that Callie follows me back to Edinburgh. There is only one person I trust to help us, and that’s Janet. Janet recruited me at the end of university. She has been my mentor and confidant, and I know that if anyone can help, it’s her. Janet is the one that gave me the name of the guy we will eventually hand everything over to.

Callie isn’t going to like it, not after the debacle with my phone and laptop. I have to convince her, though. Janet will be able to help me figure out who was spying on me as well. That is equally important as cracking the code in my eyes.

My mind is racing. I desperately want to sleep but I’m too wired. Normally I would give myself an orgasm but I’m not sure that’s appropriate with Callie next to me. Now I’m thinking about orgasms and my body is responding. Great! Callie is facing away from me and she is a deep sleeper. I bet I can get away with a quickie.

I’m panting hard when I feel Callie roll over. Busted! The problem is, I’m too far gone to stop. I think my clit would rally a protest if I tried. Not to worry though, because Callie is replacing my hand with hers. I’m so close to finishing, it only takes her a couple of strokes for me to climax. I have to bite my lip to stop any noise I know I’m making from escaping into theveryquiet house. Ewan doesn’t need to hear me come.

Once I have relaxed, Callie curls into me and falls back to sleep. I close my eyes, feeling the beat of her heart. It’s a rhythm that is so familiar it acts as a lullaby. Finally, my mind is quiet and I sleep.

Chapter 25


Rolling over to find Daisy pleasuring herself was interesting. Not something I’ve ever experienced before, usually I leave my partners sated. Saying that though we hadn’t had sex since Copenhagen, so I shouldn’t be surprised Daisy needed a release. One thing I’ve learned about adult Daisy is that she has a high sex drive. I love it. I wish I could have stayed conscious long enough to have carried on, but I was exhausted.

Waking up this morning was a herculean effort. My body feels like it needs to shut down for a year to recover. That’s what I’ll do when it’s over. Now though I have to rally. We have a boat to catch and a book piece to dig up.

Ewan hasn’t mentioned anything about Hamish. I’m worried that something has happened between them. I hope Hamish hasn’t sold the land or done something drastic to it. We don’t need another setback.

Daisy has looked green since she woke up. We shared a tender kiss before heading downstairs. Since then she has not looked at all well. “Are you okay?” She clearly isn’t.

“I’m fine, just not a huge fan of boats.” Shit, why the hell didn’t she say? “Don’t look so worried, I’ll be more than okay. A little sea sickness is nothing.”

“You should have said.”

“It’s fine, Callie, really.” My mood sours. I don’t like that she is going to suffer. We sit and eat breakfast with Ewan, who is silent. He was always a quiet guy, but this is a bit much.

“Ewan, is everything okay?”

“Aye, just been a while since I’ve been to the island, is all.” I love his strong Scottish accent.

“You and Hamish?”

“Split a few months ago. He wanted me to move to the island but I cannae do that. My dad left me this house under instructions that I stay here.”

Those are the most words I think I’ve ever heard him speak. “I get that Ewan, and at the risk of sounding like I’m interfering. Your dad isn’t here. Hamish is.” Ewan and Hamish made a sweet couple. It was clear as day that they were mad for each other. I hate the idea that they are throwing something away over a promise to a dead man. That might sound callous, but it’s true. Ewan and Hamish have lives to live, and in my opinion, should be living them together.

“I know you’re right, lass. I think I’ve left it too long though. Hamish won’t want to see me now.”

“Nonsense. Don’t waste what you have, Ewan.” Christ, I could write for an agony aunt column. Do they still exist? Whatever, I hope he sees sense. I’m an expert on living with regret. I know what I’m talking about.

He doesn’t reply, just nods. We finish our food in silence before packing up and preparing for the trip. The weather is actually nice, which surprises the shit out of me. I remember those first few months on the island as being cold and windy. Not today, though. Today the weather gods are smiling down and I send up a little thank you. Hopefully Daisy won’t feel too sick.

Ewan’s boat is only small, considering it’s only him who fishes. Daisy sits at the back of the boat with her head hanging over the edge. She has emptied her stomach several times since we left. I feel worse when I realise that she’s going to have to do this again on the return journey.

I see the island and I have some weird feelings about it. We dock at a tiny jetty. On the hill above us is Hamish’s house. Ewan has gone pale now. Jesus, the three of us look like we have some sort of illness.
