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“Quit whining.”

I came to an abrupt stop at the sound of the deep masculine voice. The words implied irritation, but there was a teasing note that made me think he was just giving someone a hard time.

“I’m not whining, you motherfucker.”

The goose bumps that went up my spine had nothing to do with fear. That raspy voice somehow had a direct line to my core. I hadn’t even seen the guy yet, but I was reacting to him more than I ever had with anyone else before. Wanting to put a face to the voice, I started to move forward when he spoke again.

“If you hadn’t shot him in the head with a .45, we wouldn’t have such a big mess to clean up.”

It took a moment for the words to register in my brain. I came to a halt when they did, only a few steps from turning the corner.

Shot?Like with a bullet? Were these guys joking around about murdering someone?

“As I said, quit your whining. You have zero room to complain about anyone else being messy, considering how much of a slob you can be.”

There was a loud thud, and I was tempted to peek around the corner to see what had made the sound.

“The difference between you and me is that I don’t expect anyone else to clean up after me. The same can’t be said for you since you damn well knew that my team and I would be the ones who’d be scrubbing the scene free of blood and gore after you executed the douchebag, and you still didn’t do a damn thing to minimize the mess.”

Holy crap. They weren’t joking around. The first guy really had killed someone.

I’d thought I would do whatever it took to keep this job, but I drew the line at cleaning up murder scenes. Living with Brenna and Thad sucked but going to jail would be worse.Probably.

“You gotta admit the guy deserved a fuck of a lot worse than a bullet to the head.”

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep my cry of fear in as I flattened myself against the wall. I needed to get out of here fast, but I was scared they’d hear me if I moved. I didn’t want to end up with a bullet in my head, too.

“Of course, he fucking did.”

The thud this time sounded an awful lot like a fist hitting someone, but neither of the guys talking cried out as though they’d been punched. I was confused until the man who’d admitted to murdering someone muttered, “No point in kicking him after he’s dead. Bastard can’t feel that shit anymore.”

Oh, great. The man who made my body react wasn’t just the kind of guy who cleaned up after murderers…he also had no problem kicking a corpse.Eww.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat, now thankful for the fact that I hadn’t eaten much today. If my stomach had been full, I doubted I would be able to keep myself from puking—which I wouldn’t be able to do quietly. Kneeling on the floor to throw up would’ve made it even easier for them to put a bullet in my brain…and then I’d be another mess for them to clean up.

“Which is too damn bad, considering he was a fucking human trafficker.”

What in the world had I gotten myself into?



Iglanced at my watch and lifted my chin at Cash. “New girl will be here in thirty if she decides to show up early. Let’s get this asshole to the van.”

Cash took the bottom half of the body bag again, and I lifted under the head. I wasn’t sure what it said about me that hauling a dead body around didn’t even faze me, but I was good at my job, and it paid really fucking well.

As we maneuvered the body out the door, I tossed a glance at Bear. “Make yourself fucking useful and let me know when the newbie arrives. I’ll send Leo down to meet her and show her the ropes tonight. They can start in the offices downstairs.” There were a handful of occupants in the building to make it seem legit. We didn’t commit all our crimes here, but it was excellent for the purposes of interrogation…and sometimes execution. Not that killing people was a regular occurrence for us.

Bear grunted and pulled his curly, shoulder-length, light brown hair into a messy thing on the back of his head as he followed us out the door into the hallway. Then he pointed at me. “Gonna do it just to get away from your whining.”

I rolled my eyes as we carried the body in the opposite direction, intending to take the freight elevator down to the nondescript black van waiting at the loading dock. It took us ten minutes to complete the task, then we returned to the room to pack up the gear.

A few feet from the room, I heard Bear growl something, and he sounded pissed as fuck. It was followed by a soft whimper—a female from the sound of it. To my complete shock, my cock stirred for the first time in who the fuck knew how long. The frightened whimper also went straight to my heart, and rage built in my chest at Bear for scaring the woman.

I sped up and stalked into the room, only to have my breath trapped in my lungs. Bear had his gun trained on the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

She was young, probably ten or twelve years younger than me. For a split second, I considered whether I was too old to be feeling shit like this for someone her age. But looking at her, there was no mistaking that she was a woman.
