Page 127 of Losers, Part II

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Leading our group past the line, I walked up to the bouncer and clasped his hand in greeting.

“How’s it going, Robbie?” I said. “Good night so far?”

“You know it,” the big man rumbled, attaching a yellow VIP wristband to my arm. He greeted the rest of us as he attached our bands, motioning us along toward the bag check ahead. When he got to Jess, he said, “Well, goddamn. You boys have been busy. How are you doing tonight, little mama?”

Jess beamed, holding out her wrist for her band. She kept a hold on Lucas’s hand as Robbie let us through.

“Rachel and Mark are up in the lounge!” Robbie called up to us. “I’m sure they’d love to say hello while you’re here!”

“We’ll be looking for them!” Manson yelled back, giving him a thumbs-up.

We reached the landing at the top of the stairs, and paused there to figure out where we wanted to go. Jason was bobbing his head to the music, bouncing with the bass-heavy beat. The shirt he’d chosen was mesh, showing off his muscular physique and the rope I’d bound around his chest in an elaborate harness.

The need to crow about him was irresistible. Wrapping my arms around him from behind, I kissed the top of his head, and he tilted his chin up to look at me.

“You look so damn good,” I said. His grin was wide, joyful and unbridled.

“So do you,” he said, and I kissed him again, on the mouth this time. He tasted like the cider he’d drunk on the way here, mango and apple. Too sweet to resist, I swiped my tongue at the corner of his mouth for another taste.

“Let’s try to get to the VIP booth before we rip each other’s clothes off, yeah?” Manson said.

“Am I going to have to start calling youFatherManson instead of Daddy?” I said, and he rolled his eyes.

“Move it along, ya’ horny bastard,” he said, waving his arm to get me moving. “At least let me sit down before you give me a hard-on.” He took Jess’s hand, so she was walking between him and Lucas as we moved deeper into the club. “Stay close to us. You look too good to be out of my sight.”

“Yes, sir,” she said. Her tone was demure; her expression was anything but. “Although, if you wanted me to heel, you should have brought a leash.”

She batted her eyes at him and I swear I could see his intelligence leaking out his ears. Getting her into the privacy of a VIP booth was high on my priority list and was only getting higher with every passing second.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, sweetheart,” Lucas said, clipping his teeth close to her ear as if to bite. “Manson always looks after his pets.”

Another short set of stairs led us onto the dance floor. A circular bar occupied the middle of the space, with a massive chandelier above it. The two upper floors looked down upon us, with people dancing and grinding along the railing. Beyond the bar, at the far side of the room, a sea of people danced in front of the DJ on stage. Like naughty Christmas decorations, golden cages stood on pedestals around the room, the dancers within wearing nothing more than thongs and jockstraps.

“This is incredible,” Jess said as she took it all in. There were VIP booths cordoned off along the walls, but the main lounge was upstairs. That was where we were headed after we’d gotten our beverages.

“Were you expecting a grimy basement?” I said. We stayed close to each other as we made our way through the crowd; the club was packed tonight, people pressing close on every side. “Water stains on the walls, concrete floors?”

“Bondage freaks always operate in basements,” Manson said. “Or red rooms.”

“You guys don’t evenhavea red room,” Jess said, sighing dramatically. “What kind of Dominants are you?”

“I would like a rainbow room, personally,” I said. “Red doesn’t work with my skin tone.”

“We don’t need a goddamnroomto destroy you,” Lucas said as we reached the bar. “First round is on me.”

The bar was as packed as the dance floor. Although small, we had a good team of bartenders here. The three working tonight handled the rush without a problem, and although there was a short wait, one of them soon made her way toward us.

“You better be here to work, Vince,” she said as she came to rest her elbows on the bar in front of us. “I’m slammed, if you didn’t notice.”

“Hell no, I’m not working,” I said, leaning across the bar to bump my knuckles to hers. “It’s my night off, Keisha!”

“What kind of asshole spends his night off at work?” she said. “I guess I’m supposed to serve you and all your friends in the middle of a —” She abruptly stopped her taunting when her eyes fell on Jess. Her gaze lit up, and she quickly adjusted her bow tie. “Oh, well, excuse me. Didn’t realize you brought a lady this time. What are you getting, honey?”

“Cosmo, please,” Jess said. Keisha flipped the shaker between her hands as she prepared it, handing it over with a flourish. Such a show-off. Jess plucked her cherry out of the drink first, popping it into her mouth with a smile.

“What’s a girl like you doing with these weirdos?” Keisha said, rubbing orange rind around a glass for Manson’s Sazerac.

“They offered me a damn good deal to fix my car,” Jess said.
