Page 129 of Strictly for Now

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None of us have heard from Danny, thank God, but Dad tells me his contract hasn’t been renewed after this season. He messed with hockey royalty one too many times. Dad knows people and so does Gramps and I assume they have something to do with his career coming to a screaming halt.

The truth is, I don’t care. I have no interest in Danny Hart.

My family, though, is another matter. Since the exhibition match we’ve gotten together a few times. I went to L.A. to watch Isabella in the skate-off in theIce Starsfinal, where she and Justin came in second.

And they all came to New York to see me last month. Eli and I took them out to dinner. There’s talk of us visiting them in L.A. over the summer.

Things are getting better. I have a family now and it feels good.

“What are your plans for when the season is over?” a reporter asks Eli.

A smile lingers on his lips. “Well first of all we’re going to win the Calder Cup,” he says, and the reporters laugh.

“And then I’m going to be spending some time in New York. With my girl.”

A blush steals across my face. A couple of reporters turn to look at me. But then they turn back, because they’re more interested in Eli than me.

And that’s how I like it. Because I feel exactly the same way.

“Will you be coming back to coach next year?” another reporter asks.

Eli leans into the microphone. “I will. I’ve signed a one year extension to my contract.”

“And then?”

His gaze locks on mine again. I’m smiling because we’ve talked about this. We’ve talked about everything.

About how we’re both willing to compromise our careers to be together. About how we don’t want kids of our own but want to adopt.

About how wherever we end up, as long as it’s together, we’ll be happy.

“And then,” he says, his voice thick, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m going to live happily ever after with the woman I love.”

I press my hands to my chest and mouth “I love you,” to him.

“I love you, too,” he says, deliberately talking into the microphone, his voice echoing through the press room.

The team and the reporters laugh, and I’m smiling big.

Because I’m a born-again convert. A happily-ever-after believer.

And ours has already begun.
