Page 46 of Ruthless Kings

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Even though work has been keeping us all busy, I doubt the guys would argue if we wanted to get Brielle pregnant again. Because that would mean we would all have to spend more time in the bedroom, and less in the office.

“I’m happy,” I tell her.

She nods and smiles. “You deserve to be, we all do, and our forever is only beginning.”

* * *


Beinga mother has come naturally to me. I didn’t think it would, but as I watch the kids race around the garden with their three dads, I can’t help but feel at peace.

Work has been busy, and I’ve taken on teaching at the university. Black Hollow has offered me a new lease on life. But as I gently massage my growing belly with my palm, I pray that our next child will be as happy and carefree as the other two. Twins.

We finally got some tests done and found out it was Judah who was the dad. I wanted to give each of the men in my life a child, and now that I’m pregnant with Valen’s baby, and we know it’s only one this time, I smile because I know he’s going to be incredible with our son or daughter.

Living a life that isn’t what society deemsnormalhas given me a new insight into how easily people are judged. It’s disheartening that there are those out there who can treat each other with hatred and disrespect.

We aren’t hurting anyone. We don’t harm those around us, and yet, we’re still gawked at when we’re out. Even though people don’t know the true extent of our connection, or the dynamics of our relationship, there are still close-minded individuals who think it’s wrong.

But those are the people I choose to ignore. You must be rather sad to live your life bullying and insulting others.

I love my life.

I love my men.

And nothing will ever change that.

* * *


Holdingmy son for the first time is surreal. Looking down in those dark eyes, I see myself. I don’t think I have ever felt so much love, it’s overwhelming. He has my blood running through his veins. There is something deeply emotional about it.

“Hey, little guy.” I look down at his scrunched up nose, and how he wraps his tiny fingers around mine. “When you’re all grown up, I’m going to remind you of this moment where you made me feel like the most important person in the world.”

“You are,” Brielle says as she enters the gym where I’m sitting on the floor with our baby in my arms. “He’s going to grow up to be just like his dad.”

“Well,” I say looking up at her. “As long as he shows respect and morals, then I know I’ve done well. I don’t want him to be anything other than good. And if he doesn’t want to be in this life, and he wants to carve out his own path, I won’t force him into it.

“You’re already a good father,” Brielle whispers as she gently presses a fingertip to the tip of his nose. “Everyone is waiting on you,” she says then. “We’re ready for lunch.”

As we both stand, and we walk out of the gym, I say to her, “Thank you for changing my life and showing me I am worthy of love.” I don’t know why I’m so fucking emotional, but I need her to know, she means a lot to me.

“Always,” she promises and we make our way into the noisy dining room to join the rest of our family.

* * *


I have now cometo accept thesefeelings.

Yes, I’m an arsehole. But my wife makes me a better man. I know I don’t tell her that often enough, I’m hoping she notices it though. Watching her with the children is like watching a movie. I don’t believe it’s my life.

Deep down, all I can hope is that my father is looking down at me and he’s proud. I spent my life waiting to hear those words from him, but even in his final letter to me, I didn’t get it.

“Mr Venier,” a voice from my office door has me turning to face Romeo. Yeah, his mother really named him that. “There’s a parcel for you.” He sets the box down on my desk and steps back.

“Thank you, you can leave.” Once I’m alone, I settle into my office chair and cut the tape open with my dagger. Lifting the lid slightly, I get a whiff of perfume. Inside, are two teddy bears, both smell like talcum powder and jasmine. It’s a soft, gentle fragrance.
