Page 39 of Love is Cupid

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I stare at him like he’s just grown wings out of his forehead. “You heard all that?”

He raises an eyebrow at me. “True, do you know how whispering works?”

“Is this a trick question?” I ask, completely confused.

“Yes, it is, because I already know you don’t know how to whisper. Heard your whole conversation with my door. Now, get in here and sit down so we can talk.” He waves me inside with his hand.

I shuffle past him, feeling like I’m going to explode from my nerves going haywire. When I reach the seat opposite his desk, I collapse into it and wait with bated breath as he sits in his chair and pulls out some files.

He slaps the files down onto the desk and sits back, crossing his arms in a relaxed stance. I peek at the tabs and see all the guys' names, including Cooper’s, on them.

“True, you’ve been working for me for a long time. I’ve never put you on a case I didn’t think you could complete. So why is it that you think you failed so horribly with these four?”

I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, trying to find the right answer. But at this point, the truth is all I have. “Because I was supposed to find love for my charges, but instead I fell for them.”

“And that’s why you think you failed?” Eros questions, though it’s not with the expected tone of someone who’s disappointed. Instead, I’m noticing Eros looks merely curious.

My brows pinch together in confusion. “Yes, but why aren’t you mad? Shouldn’t I be in trouble? You said I failed, yet you’re not firing me, and it’s starting to freak me out.”

Eros chuckles. “I didn’t say you failed. I asked whyyouthought you did.”

I think my brain short circuits. “Uh, what?”

Eros sighs and leans forward on his desk. “When you were talking to my door, you said the job was technically done. As you know, no Cupid’s job is technically done until all files are signed with a Cupid seal of approval.” He pushes the files across the desk to me and hands me a stamp with the red ink pad.

Every time a Cupid completes a case, the case is stamped with a red heart, which magically places the files into a vault deep below the building. If for whatever reason the target’s love dissolves, so does the stamp and the file magically reappears back on Eros’s desk.

But that doesn’t explain why he’s wanting me to stamp these.

“But I didn’t find them love with other people. I stole their love for myself,” I argue, flustered at what’s happening.

“You didn’t steal anything, True. I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you. You see, these men were your top potential matches. I sent you to them because I knew at least one of them would be your match in every way. You, my dear Cupid, we’re the target all along.”

He pulls out a fifth folder that is a bright fishy color. On the tab in the corner, is my name.

“Me?” I ask, my eyes tearing up at the realization of what he’s saying.

“Yes, you. You were my charge, and I sent you there on purpose, knowing you would fall in love. I had no idea it would be with all three of them or the impact you’d have on little Cooper. But, things don’t always go the way we plan.”

My mouth opens and closes several times in shock. “So I’m not fired? I’m allowed to be in love with them?”

Eros laughs a little louder this time. “Of course, you’re not fired. And I didn’t just go through weeks of lying to you for you not to be allowed to love them. In fact, I’d like you to start training some of our newer Cupid recruits. They could learn a thing or two from you.”

“I would love that! Thank you so much, Eros. For…everything, I guess,” I chuckle as pure joy filters through me.

“You’re welcome, True. Now go be with your loved ones and report back here Monday.”

“I’m your Cupid!” I say before jumping up from my chair and leaving his office.

And just like that, not only do I get to keep my amazing job, but against all the odds, this little lost Cupid got the one thing she always wanted.

