Page 99 of Forever By Morning

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Driving Miss Judy

As much as I’d rather moon over the idea of a date with Beckett later that night, I had a few hundred details go nail down before the end of the week. While I didn’t want to think about the actual end date of Friday, it would truly be here before I knew it.

I also needed to go clothes shopping. I’d only brought enough with me for the few days I’d originally planned to be in Turnbull. And almost all of the days included dressier clothing than the business casual style of the orchard.

For now, a cotton skirt and soft shirt I generally used for travel days would have to do. Maybe I could convince someone to let me borrow a car for a quick trip to a clothing store. I wanted to find something low-key and sexy for tonight.

A date.

My heart sped up as I picked up my pace going down the hall to the stairs. Definitely not what I’d been expecting him to say. Even if I’d tossed the definition at him like an idiot.

Not that he ever made me feel that way in the least.

I quickly made my way to the lower level where the bridal party from the night before was currently taking over the lobby. They were all wearing matching daytime wear. This time, hot pink T-shirts over black shorts, save for the bride who wore a white tennis-style outfit with a short, flirty skirt and pristine white kicks.

Laverne and Cara were directing traffic. From what I overheard, they were meeting at the café for coffee, then heading out to a picnic in the orchard.

I stayed out of the way until Laverne noticed me. She waved me over where I spotted a stunning redhead chatting with Jenny at the desk. She wore a jade green wrap dress with a large graphic cream floral pattern that showed off mile-long legs with nude four-inch heels.

“Helena, I’d like you to meet Belinda Grayson.”

“Hi.” I smiled brightly at her and held out my hand. I suddenly felt very under-dressed and dowdy.

Also very short. She had to be almost six-feet with her heels on.

“Hi.” She shook my hand. “You can call me Bells. Belinda sounds far more posh than I am.” Her voice was husky and clipped at the same time. Not exactly chilly, but it definitely leaned toward no-nonsense.

“Helena Danbury.”

“Nowyousound posh.” She grinned and a dimple dented her left cheek. “Looks like we’ll be working together.”

“I’ve got a clipboard of ideas, but we’re both open to new ones, aren’t we, Cara?”

Cara nodded and hugged her tablet against her chest. “I’m here to learn.”

Laverne beamed. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I gave Cara the details on the budget and guest list.” She handed me my usual pink tablet and one to Bells. “This is yours. There’s a temporary log in on that sticky note. Then you can change it to your own password and profile. We check the tablets in and out at the beginning and end of shift. There’s battery banks available at the desk if you need them. Damn fool things don’t ever hold a charge that long.”

Bells took the teal-covered tablet. “Perfect.”

Laverne glanced at me. “I’ve got a week long wedding extravaganza that will keep me hopping, and I’ll probably have to steal Cara here and there to fill in some holes. Otherwise, the three of you will be on this party exclusively.” She turned to Bells. “Trial by fire, hope you’re okay with that. Kinda how we do things around here.”

Belinda’s eyes sparkled. “I’m ready to jump in. We’ll figure it out.”

“I have every confidence. I checked with your references, and your previous employers said you were awesome with thinking on your feet.”

“Small town life means you never quite know what’s going to get thrown at you.” Bells tucked her hair around her ear. “Never boring, right?”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Laverne’s laughter was musical. Then her face slid into a serious expression. “Pardon me while I go head bridezilla off at the pass,” she said under her breath.

I followed Laverne’s eye line and turned to the side to avoid being recognized. “Okay, let’s get out of here.”

Bells eyebrow arched. “Know her?”

“Unfortunately. And I’d rather she didn’t see me.”

Cara handed me my purse. “We can sneak behind the desk. There’s a narrow hallway that cuts into the hallway next to the atrium.”
