Page 79 of Playing with Fire

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Congratulations on your acceptance into Brigham University!

My eyes widened. I stopped reading as my gaze shot up to meet Christian's mom.


"This is real?" I asked, holding up the letter. They both nodded. "I'm going to a real university?" They nodded again. "How? I missed all the deadlines."

"I have a friend, and she pulled some strings," Christian's mom said. "We did miss all the deadlines for financial aid, though." My entire body sank. No way I could afford to pay for college without a scholarship or grant, even with two jobs. Brigham was an out-of-state private university. Their tuition alone would be astronomical, which didn't include books, supplies, or fees. It also didn't include living expenses, which I would need because Brigham University was close to a thousand miles away from here.

"I've already taken care of all the tuition," Mr. Elliott said from the doorway. I hadn't even noticed him. "I will cover everything financially." I couldn't fight the uncontrollable tears as they started streaming. "We can discuss living arrangements and everything over dinner tomorrow since Christian will also be going..."

"You're going too?" I interrupted, my gaze snapping up to his.

He nodded. "If you're going, I'm going."

"Perhaps we can all have dinner together tomorrow," Mr. Elliott said to Christian's mom. "We can fine-tune all the details then."

Mr. Elliott and Christian's mom disappeared inside after a few more 'thank you's' and a hug.

"I thought you didn't want to go to college."

"I don't." He laughed, stepping into my personal space. His fingers curled around my hips as he pulled me into him. "I want to be with you, and if that means I go to college to be with you, then that's what I'll do." Dropping his head, his mouth captured mine in a kiss that made my knees buckle. "I want to take you home," he breathed against my lips.

With finishing school and all the chaos tied to both our lives, we hadn't gotten a lot of alone time unless we were passed out.

"What about the party?"

"What about it?"

"Let's get out of here," I laughed. His arms slid around my waist as he hoisted me up against him, carrying me to his Jeep.

I didn't know exactly what the future held, but I knew he would be a part of it, and to think it all started with a tiny bag of weed. If Lincoln hadn't stolen that bag of weed, and I'd never gone into the Valley to get it, who knows where my life would be right now?

"What the..." Christian hissed, stopping halfway to his Jeep, freezing in the driveway. He dropped me to my feet. I twisted around, and my eyes widened.


Chapter 51


"What are you doing here?" I asked, anger illuminating my face. Staring at the woman who'd left one morning and never returned, I realized I didn't even recognize her. When she'd left, she'd been wearing a pair of faded, ripped jeans and a stained light pink tank she'd gotten from a church during a free clothing drive. She was too thin for her height, her teeth rotted from years of neglect and drug abuse, and her skin crawled with puncture wounds. This woman was healthy and drug-free. She wore expensive clothing and drove a fancy car.

"I know you're upset with me," she started.

"Upset," I repeated, cutting her off. Anger colored my tone. "You abandoned me and started a whole new life without me." Gritting my teeth together, I stepped forward, feeling Christian's presence directly behind me. "Leaving me to fend for myself with Noah and Levi."

"Harper, please," she pleaded. "I know I don't deserve it, but I only want a minute to talk to you."

What could she possibly have to say now, and would it really make a difference in how I felt about her?

"Do you want her to leave?" Christian asked, and I knew what he was asking. He wanted to know if he should remove her himself. Twisting around to face him, I realized we weren't alone. Everyone from the party had started to migrate outside.

"AJ," my mother muttered, blinking in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for my son and daughter's graduation," AJ said, stepping in beside me. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Harper," she sighed. "But I probably need to talk to you too." AJ's gaze flicked down to me. His dark eyes searched my face, but I couldn't figure out what he was searching for until he spoke. He was searching for permission to step up and be my father.
