Page 29 of Toxic Obsession

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Standing in the kitchen,I sighed heavily. After round two the night before, Jayden and I moved the party to my house were we went for round three before passing out together in my bed, and when I woke up, he was gone. He didn't even bother to say goodbye. Just left. I shouldn't be surprised. Jayden had deep-rooted commitment issues, and we'd put a label on us, and now he was panicking.

Grabbing the can of coffee, I flipped the lid open. Empty. "Shit!"

The front door pushed open, and Jayden stormed through with a drink carrier full of coffee in one hand and muffins in the other.

"You have no food," he muttered, dropping the bag of muffins on the counter.

"You got breakfast." My eyes widened with shock.

"I didn't know how you liked your coffee, so—" He held up a drink carrier with four different coffee drinks. "Sit, eat." My mouth opened and then snapped shut. I was speechless. I thought he left. I was sure he did because that's what Jayden did. He ran.

I grabbed a coffee and muffin and slid into the chair at the small round table in the kitchen, but before I could take a drink, someone pounded on the front door. I wasn't expecting anyone.

Jayden opened the front door, and KJ walked through with a handful of plastic bags. Three more footballers followed him in with the same bags.

"Um," I scowled, my gaze following the ballers unloading the groceries into my kitchen.

"What," Jayden shrugged. "You didn't have any food."

"How do you know I wasn't going to the store today?"

"Were you?"

"No, but—" He shook his head.

"You guys can unload, and then we need to get out of here," Jayden said. His gaze flicked to mine. "We have all-day practice today."

"I'll put them away." I smiled, snatching a box out of KJ's hand.

"You sure?" KJ asked. "We have time."

"Yes. please, let me put them up." He nodded and then gestured the other ballers out.

"I'll be done by three, and then we can go out for dinner," Jayden said, grabbing his black bag off the floor.

"You just bought all these groceries," I said, waving my hands at all the bags covering my countertops. "How about we stay in, and I cook?"

"You cook?"

"Maybe." I'd never actually turned on my oven, but it couldn't be that hard, right?


"Let's go," KJ shouted, sticking his head back in the door.

"I gotta go," he mouthed. I nodded, and he followed KJ out. Leaving me with a counter full of groceries to find places for.

* * *

It wasn't until Jayden pushed through the front door that I realized the time had gotten away from me. After putting the food away, I followed through with my plans to study but because I'd lost track of time having dinner ready by the time Jayden got here, wasn't going to happen now.

"Hey." I smiled. He dropped his bag beside the door. "I lost track of time." His hair was still slick with sweat, and he still wore gym clothes. My lungs seized like all the oxygen was suddenly gone as my gaze trailed over him.

Averting my gaze, I cleared my throat. "Why don't you shower, and I'll start dinner?" When my eyes met his, I realized my stares didn't go unnoticed.

"I have a better idea." He stormed towards me. Leaning forward, he threw me over his shoulder without missing a step toward the bathroom. "Dinner can wait."

He flipped the water on, and I laughed when he stepped in fully clothed. I winced as the cold water hit my skin before it shifted to hot.
