Page 36 of Toxic Obsession

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She froze, her eyes locked on mine. She was struggling with some inner battle, and for once, I had no idea what it was. Curiosity. Lust. Jealousy. Anger. Maybe all of them. I could usually read her better.

"Yes," she whispered. I narrowed my eyes at her. Was it her talking or the alcohol? I guess it didn't matter.

"Let's go," I muttered.

"What?" she stammered. "Right now?"

"Is now not a good time?" I smirked, thinking she would back out. I didn't know what she knew about the darkroom, but I didn't think she'd go through with testing the waters. Her mind raced. Every thought is visible through her changing expressions. "It's now or never, Sadie girl." And I meant that. Tomorrow I might not be so willing to share.

"Let's go," she whispered so softly I wasn't sure I heard her. Her throat flexed on a hard swallow. Fear flashed across her face, and something about that excited me.

Linking my fingers with hers, I led her out of the bedroom down the narrow staircase and into the dark basement. Her breaths quickened as it got darker, and I expected her to tap out, but she didn't. I pushed thru the door into the dark room, revealing nothing but darkness. Even with the small amount of light from the basement, you couldn't see anything.

"Go in," I ordered. "Take off your clothes and wait."

"You're not coming in with me?" I had never participated in the dark room. It wasn't my thing, but this was Sadie. My Sadie. I didn't know if I wanted to participate or watch, but I'd be there either way.

"No," I said dryly. "You will never know who's in the room with you." I backed out, leaving her in the darkness to undress and wait.



I was almosta hundred percent sure I would regret this, but I had to know what the darkroom was, and the alcohol coursing through my veins gave me that liquid courage I needed to say yes. I needed to know what Jayden was doing behind my back before I let myself fall any deeper for a man I knew I shouldn't fall for, and it was apparent he wasn't going to tell me the truth.

Would it be like initiation? Or worse?

Good thing I liked the pain, craved it, especially right now, as I tried to ignore the tightness in my chest every time I thought about Jayden touching another girl, especially behind my back.

Standing in the dark room in the pitch black, I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. Sliding out of my clothes, I was thankful for the darkness. My heart pounded harder as heat rushed through me, and I wasn't sure if it was from fear or excitement or maybe a bit of both. I had no idea what to expect.

A soft tap sounded, and I jumped, sucking in a breath as I clenched my chest. The darkness, the quiet, fear of the unknown was all getting to me. My mind was playing a torturous game, tricking me and making me think I heard something, felt something, or even saw something I didn't.

Alcohol and adrenaline coursed through me. The combination was already a dangerous mixture, but add lust, curiosity, and jealousy to the mix, and it could become explosive.

All of my senses were on overdrive.

I could hear him—them. I could hear someone. Someone was in the room with me. Their shallow breathing echoed over my pounding heart, thrumming in my ears.

I jumped, blowing out a breath when the heat from their fingers hit my cool skin and stroked across my stomach. Whoever it was didn't make a sound as they moved behind me. I wanted to whisper his name, but I was terrified he wouldn't answer. I trusted Jayden, and knowing he wasn't here would only allow fear to consume me.

Long fingers curled around my hips as the heat from his body radiated behind me. I closed my eyes, picturing Jayden.

With two hands on my waist, another hand trailed over my stomach. Someone else was here. My pulse raced with a mixture of fear and excitement. It was so dark I couldn't even make out a shadow of a person. I wanted to reach out and touch him. Trail my fingers over his body. I would know if it was Jayden, right? I didn't get the chance as their bare naked bodies pressed firmly into mine, pinning me between them. My head spun as the man in the front brushed his full soft lips across mine, and the man in the back skimmed his lips across my shoulder and up my neck, leaving a trail of heat behind.

My body was in overdrive. It felt wrong; it felt good. I was no longer scared. I was hot and wet, ready for this, whatever this was.

Hands caressed my breasts, teasing my nipples as he licked and bit at my neck. Melting into the man behind me, my mouth was swallowed in a kiss that sent electricity coursing through every vein in my body. It was almost too much.

I got lost in them. I didn't know how many were in the room anymore. I didn't care.

The darkness only added to the heat; not seeing or knowing what or who was coming added to the thrill. It heightened every nerve ending in my body.

My legs moved as they guided me through the darkness without pause in their torturous rhythm teasing my body.

He pushed his tongue passed my lips when they parted on a moan. My hands reached out, trailing over the front man's tight abs, and then they were gone. My body immediately chilled, missing their heat.

"What the fuck?" I muttered breathlessly. I stepped back, and something hit the back of my legs. Two hands curled over my shoulders from behind, shoving me down.
