Page 38 of Toxic Obsession

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His long fingers curled around my wrist, jerking me to a stop. "Sadie!"

"Let me go," I growled, jerking hard against his grip.

"Jayden isn't here, but he'll be back soon," KJ said.

I huffed out a sarcastic laugh. "Tell Jayden to go fuck himself." KJ shook his head, his eyes wide as he swept his tongue along his lip ring. He had zero intentions of passing that message along, and I wasn't sure if it was out of fear for himself or me. "I don't ever want to see him again. He plays too many games. I'm done. Now. Let. Me. Go."

"It's not what you think, Sadie." He scowled.

"Maybe not," I shrugged, "but I can't do this anymore. He wants me when it's convenient for him."

"It's not that simple." He sighed. "Give him a chance to explain."

"Give him a chance to explain?" I repeated in a low hiss. "I did. I gave him a hundred chances to explain in the last three days. Every. Single. Time. I texted or called, and he rejected the call or ignored the text." My eyes flashed down to his hand, still holding me. "Let me go." He nodded, releasing my wrist. "Goodbye, KJ." I stormed toward my house, determined not to shed a tear. At least not until I was in the privacy of my own house.

I'm done with Jayden De Luca and The Untouchable 8...

* * *

Pushing open my front door, I stumbled around the kitchen, looking for the light switch. It was rare that I came home after dark to a black house, but my new job required later hours, which meant more money.

Flicking on the lights in the kitchen, I dropped my purse on the counter and kicked off my shoes. Digging through my bag, I pulled out my phone, glancing at it. No calls, no texts. I wasn't sure what I was expecting because no one ever called or texted except Jayden, and I'd decided to block him after I'd left the team house.

It was three AM, and I was exhausted, but luckily, I didn't have to get up early the next morning. Flicking on a light in the living room, I yelped, jumping back and clenching my chest when something moved in my peripheral view. My head snapped to Jayden sitting in the dark leather chair in the corner of the room. Laid back, his legs wide, his arms rested on the armrests, and his finger tapped on the arm of the chair, his gaze locked on his tapping finger. His phone was sitting open on his leg.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

He didn't look up, but his jaw flexed as he continued tapping his finger. There's no mistaking the fury flashing through his face. Good, I was angry too.

"Tell. Jayden. to Fuck. Off," he repeated what I'd said to KJ, his tone low and threatening. His finger stopped tapping as his hooded eyes looked up through dark lashes. Anger illuminated his expression as he cocked his head to the side.

Standing frozen in front of him, it was suddenly hard to breathe, as if his words sucked every ounce of oxygen out of the room, but I forced myself to push through my crippling fear, drawing in slow deep breaths as my eyes stayed locked on his. When I'd told KJ to tell Jayden 'to fuck off,' I hadn't thought out the consequences of my actions. I hadn't cared about the repercussions, but right now, I was questioning my sanity.

"Why aren't my texts or calls going through?" Anger colored his tone as he spat out the question.

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I contemplated whether I should answer that truthfully. "I blocked you." My chest tightened with fear as I watched the corner of his lip twitch.

Anger rolled off him in violent waves as he surged from the chair so quickly it forced me to stumble backward.

"You. Blocked. Me," he repeated. The threatening tone of his voice sent a chill down my spine. Squaring my shoulders and forcing my head high, I nodded. I was terrified, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing. "You blocked me."

"I'm done playing your games, Jayden." I finally found the nerve to stand up for myself. I wasn't going down without a fight if he was going to kill me. He took a step forward, and I took a step back. The corners of his lips curved into a cruel smirk as he stepped forward, and I continued to step back.

"You're done playing my games, princess?" he said more as a statement than a question as my back slammed against the wall. Stepping into me, his hand slid up, wrapping his fingers around my throat. My eyes grew wider as my lips parted. He leaned down as his fingers curled tighter into the sensitive skin of my throat, and my hand shot up, gripping his wrist. "My mistake, princess; I somehow confused you into believing I give a fuck what you want." His lip curled into a snarl. "We are done when I say we are done, and we aren't done."

"Jayden." I gasped, struggling to breathe.

"I think you forgot who's in control here, Sadie girl," he breathed against my cheek. His threats were no longer aimed toward Alyssa, not that I thought he wouldn't try again if he were desperate to control me.

"Jay—" I started, but he cut off my words tightening his grip. I clawed frantically at his hand, desperately trying to shove him off me, but it was no use. White spots flickered as darkness seeped in, and as my body started to sag, he released me, backing away. I fell to the floor, gasping violently for deep breaths.

"Be ready at eight tomorrow evening," he muttered. "The girl in my bedroom was my sister." He disappeared out the door.

His sister? I searched my memories of the only night I'd seen her. I hadn't gotten a close look at her, but the girl in the room did resemble a healthier version of the girl he'd carried out of the house that night. I rolled over to my back as each breath became less desperate. Staring at the ceiling, I realized this was my life. Jayden would always keep me at arm's length, only allowing me to know what he wanted me to know, and if I crossed that line, he'd make me pay for it.

I couldn't help but wonder who fucked him up. What happened that made him so—I couldn't even think of a strong enough word that described his level of angry, possessive, ruthless, control freak all wrapped up tightly in a super hot package.

