Page 69 of Toxic Obsession

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"Can Drew walk you home tonight? I have to take care of something out of town, but if he can't, I'll come back."

"What? No, KJ," I scowled. "You don't have to do this. I promise I'm okay."

"I'll check with Drew and make sure before I leave tonight," he said.

"No, Drew will walk me home. He usually does."

"Okay," he said. "I'll be at your house to get you at four a.m. to head to the prison." He pulled open the bar's front door, and I stepped inside. "See you tomorrow."

* * *

The night started slowly, and I silently prayed for it to pick up. I needed the money, and time was dragging on.

Folding the napkin around the silverware, I wrapped it up tightly as I thought about what I was going to say to my dad tomorrow. Where do you even start when you're the reason he was put behind bars?

"Sadie," Drew shouted; his tone held a heaviness that made my head snap up and my eyes narrow. "The Untouchables are out there." My breath lodged in my throat.

"All of them?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "and they are in your section." Swallowing hard, I nodded. It wasn't like I never expected to see Jayden again. I guess I just hoped it wouldn't be tonight. "I can tell them to leave or find another server."

I shook my head. "No." I sighed. "I got it." I couldn't hide forever, and I wouldn't let him make me cower away from doing my job.

Sucking in a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and raised my chin as I exhaled before shoving my shoulder into the door and pushing through.

"Sadie," Carter shouted, his eyes lighting up when he noticed me. His smile was contagious. He shoved out of his chair, throwing an arm around me. My gaze flicked over the guys freezing when it landed on Jayden, who was watching me intently.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ethan asked as most of the team surrounded me, drawing my attention to everyone but Jayden.

"We've missed you." Chase smiled.

"I heard you guys killed it at your last game." I smiled. The tension I'd felt fluttered away. The guys shouted and cheered as they started yelling over each other as they recalled their last game.

A smile spread across my face when my gaze landed on Alyssa. The season was over, which meant Rally Girls were done, but she was still here.

"So does this mean you finally got girlfriend status?"

She nodded. "He asked me if I'd be his forever Rally Girl."

"I'm really happy for you, Alyssa."

"Where have you been? We've all missed you the last couple of weeks."

"I've got a lot going on right now." I sighed. "But maybe we can catch up next weekend."

"I'd like that." She smiled. "I don't know what happened between you and Jayden, but he's been a mess these last few days."

"He did it to himself," I muttered, and she nodded, forcing a smile.

I went through the entire table's drink order. The lump in my throat thickened as I got closer and closer to Jayden. I could feel his gaze burning through me.

"What'll it be, Chase?" My gaze flicked up to him.

"Why aren't you here partying with us?" Chase asked. "It's Jayden's farewell party."

"Farewell," I repeated, my gaze blinked over to Jayden but then quickly back to Chase. "A girl's got to earn a living."

"Two shots of tequila," Chase finally decided.
