Page 80 of Toxic Obsession

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The rideto my house the following morning was silent. Sadie stared aimlessly out the window, and I felt like I was suffocating, and the closer we got to the house, the tighter the noose around my neck became.

I knew that was where I was going to say goodbye to her and that I would never see her again. The muscles in my chest tightened, and it suddenly felt suffocatingly hot in the truck. I hit the button, lowering my window, letting the fresh air circulate through the truck.

Swerving the truck into the driveway, I sucked in a deep breath. KJ was already here waiting on the front porch. Last night, I'd decided to sign my truck title over to Sadie so she'd have a reliable vehicle. So, I asked KJ to meet me here so I could leave my truck, and he'd drive me home. I'd get a new truck once I got home. I didn't plan on explaining this to Sadie because I knew she'd say no, and I wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Why didn't you just go in?" I shouted from the driveway as I slid out of the truck. "Bri's inside."

"She didn't answer," KJ shouted, and my breath caught in my throat as fear gripped me tightly. I hadn't talked to Bri since everything went down. I hadn't spoken to anyone but KJ. I couldn't. I was trying to find a way to cope with the fact that I was being forced to marry a woman I didn't want, and I'd destroyed the one that I loved. I'd texted Bri to give me some time, and I would see her before I left, but there were no more texts or calls after that.

Was I going to walk into find my sister dead from a drug overdose?

"I'll go in," Sadie said as if she'd read my thoughts.

"You think something is wrong?" KJ asked, and when my gaze met his, he knew. This wouldn't be the first time I walked in and found her unconscious. "I'll go in." He didn't give me time to respond as he snatched my keys, fumbling with them. "Stay out here." He shoved the key into the lock. "She's probably just sleeping."

I held my breath for what felt like forever.

"She's not here," KJ said, and I released my breath in a harsh exhale. "But she left this." He held up an envelope with my name on it. I ripped it from his hand and tore it open.


You shouldn't have to give her up for me. Sadie is amazing, and I can see why you love her. She's kind of my favorite person too.

You've always taken care of me. It's my turn to take care of you.

I've accepted Luca's marriage proposal.

Don't bother coming after me. By the time you do; I'll already be in Italy planning my wedding.

I love you, Big Bro. Take care of yourself and your Sadie.


P.S. There's a letter to Sadie on the back.

I flipped the paper over, handing it to Sadie.

"Sadie, please take care of them for me," Sadie read the letter out loud. "Don't let them come after me. This is my choice." Who is 'them'? I narrowed my eyes on the paper over Sadie's shoulder. "You are going to make an amazing sister-in-law. Don't forget to send me an invitation." A tear streamed down Sadie's face as she folded the letter in half.

My gaze flicked up to KJ. "What the fuck?"

KJ already had his phone to his ear. "She's not picking up." He pulled it away from his ear, ending the call and hitting her name again, this time hitting the speaker button. It went straight to voicemail. "Why is she not fucking answering?"

"She's not going to answer," I whispered.

"What are we going to do," KJ hissed. "She can't marry him. He'll destroy her."

My phone vibrated.

It was Bri.

I hit the answer button and put it on speaker.

"Bri," I said into the phone. "Tell me where you are so I can come get you. This is insane."
