Page 101 of Dragon's Secret Baby

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“Come on, sit with me,” I said, and I sat on the bed. “We want to have a chat with you.”

Emmie frowned. “About what?”

I looked at Danna, suddenly so nervous I could throw up right here, right now. Danna nodded at me, encouraging me to keep going.

“Well, one of the reasons I changed your room like this is because you’re going to live here with me and your mom, permanently. You’re going to school here with the shifter kids, and you’re going to learn how to be a dragon like both of us.”

Emmie nodded. She knew most of this.

“The reason why I want you here is because I’ve fallen crazy in love with your mom, and I love you just as much. Once upon a time, before you were born…” I got stuck, and I wasn’t sure which way to turn next.

I looked at Danna, panicked.

“Wesley and I met a long time ago,” Danna said, jumping in to help me.

“Did you fall in love then, too?” Emmie asked.

She caught on quick. I was so proud of that—she had such a sharp mind, and I loved that about her. I lovedeverythingabout her.

“Yeah, I think we did,” I said, nodding.

I glanced at Danna. I hadn’t known it at the time, but we’d been this drawn to each other because we’d been fated all along. She’d been human then, but now it all made sense. Hindsight was always perfect, wasn’t it?

The view I had moving forward was perfect now, too.

“The thing is, we didn’t know it, but we were meant to be together. So, when we fell in love, your mom got pregnant, and then she had you.”

Emmie frowned.

“Do you know what that means?” I asked, scared again.

“It means…” Emmie furrowed her brow, thinking hard.

“It means that the dad you sometimes ask about is him,” Danna said. “Wesley is your dad.”

Emmie looked at Danna, processing.

“It’s him?” Emmie asked. “It’s… Wesley?” She looked at me, studying me as if she saw me through new eyes, and she had to decide if she liked what she saw.

“Yeah,” I said hesitantly.

“The dad who lives far away,” Emmie said. She nodded suddenly as if it all made sense. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Emmie said, and she nodded again, sure of herself now that she’d decided… whatever she’d decided in that little mind of hers.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“It fits,” Emmie said. “The pictures.”

“What pictures, honey?” Danna asked, confused now, too.

“I dreamed about you,” Emmie said.

I blinked, surprised. “You what?”

“Yeah, I didn’t know it was you, because you were a big black bird, and mommy was a white bird, but now I think maybe you were dragons, and I’m a little bird, too.”
