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I’d arranged to take them home, to take them somewhere where they were safe, because with me, they wouldn’t be.

Rune and Zen had come in early to collect them and take them back to Portland.

When I’d told Danna she had to go back, in the early hours of this morning, she’d been furious. I’d been able to smell her anger. It had burned acrid in my nose, and I’d hated it, but it was better that she was angry with me than that she wanted me. If she hated me, she could let me go. If she hated me enough to stay away from me, maybe I could eventually let her go, too.

It had been a mistake to kiss her, to touch her. I’d been so close to fucking her, it had been hard to stop myself. I couldn’t afford to get involved with her again. Not now that we had a daughter together. The curse wouldn’t let us be a happy family, and Danna and Emmie deserved that.

If you love something, let it go.Wasn’t that the old adage?

Emmie was so small, and she’d been so scared last night, I’d just wanted to hold her tightly and protect her from the horrors of this world.

Both of them.

That was why I’d kicked them out. The moment I’d realized I wanted to keep them safe, I had to get rid of them. The only thing worse than losing them would be to hurt them.

After going to bed, I’d arranged with the twins to take them back to Portland, to escort them all the way. I wasn’t a dick—I knew it was dangerous. I was pretty sure they were after Danna because of me. I just didn’t know how they thought they were going to get to me if she wasn’t in my life. They—the Rogues—couldn’t have known that I knew about them.

Unless that fae had had something to do with it…

I shook off the thoughts, my mind drifting back to the mother and child. I knew it was dangerous, so I’d ordered some members of my pack—my strongest warriors—to set up in Portland and look after them until I could figure out how the fuck I was going to catch the Rogues that kept slipping through my fingers.

The idea was to travel to Portland today and talk to Braxton, making sure the alpha in Portland was okay with my males being on his turf while I took care of business back here.

I paced my living room, feeling lost, untethered. My chest burned, and I rubbed my sternum again with my fingertips, but it did nothing to ease the heat, to calm me.

I was a bundle of anxious nerves.

The smallest sound set me off, and I was on edge. My skin was on fire. Beads of sweat couldn’t form on my hairline because when they did, they evaporated.

Damn it!

They were out there, and I was here, and it was pissing me off. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Iknewwhat was getting to me, but I wouldn’t give in to that.

I was at war with myself. I had to let them go. The more I wanted them close, the more I knew I had to push them away.

The wrong part won out. I walked to the sliding door and pushed it open, stepping onto the balcony. I kicked off my pants and shifted into dragon form, launching myself into the air, not caring that it was light enough that anyone below would see me.

Hopefully, they were either too hungover, or still drunk, to think it was anything other than their imagination.

I lifted myself up into the clouds, high enough that I wasn’t easy to spot anymore, and made a beeline toward Portland. I looked around, trying to find the car that would take them there. It was a fifteen-hour drive, at least. They couldn’t have gotten very far, even if Zen drove like the devil himself.

When I finally spotted the truck Zen usually drove, I hovered above them. I wasn’t going to let anyone know I was here, but I would follow them until I knew they were safe.


Because despite knowing better, I was so fucking protective of them, I was going to lose if it I didn’t stay with them and see that they were delivered home safely. I might as well talk to Braxton while I was in Portland, seeing that I was going to make the trip now.

I snorted, irritated with myself and the fact that I was doing this. I was so pathetic, caring this much about a puny human and the offspring that I didn’t want to have anything to do with.

The trip went smoothly, and it was almost boring, watching them work their way through Nevada.

This had been a stupid idea. I had work to do, and following them was eating up valuable time for no good reason.

Nothing was going to go wrong. Zen and Rune had it under control.

I was about to circle away and head back to Vegas when I spotted a black car coming from the other direction. It was going almost twice the speed and headed right toward the truck. Another car appeared, swerving seemingly out of nowhere, and blocked the road moving forward.
