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I wasn’t going to even consider the possibility of them staying with me. That would go against everything I had built over the years. If I had them in my life, always having to look after them…

What if something else happened? What if another group rose up against me, or someone decided to use them, and they got hurt in the process?

I would never forgive myself.

No, thank you, I wasn’t about to sign up for the pain that came with the affection. I knew that pain, and I wasn’t interested in more.

Besides, we could never be a happy little family. It wasn’t safe for them. Maybe these attacks were part of the curse. The sooner they were out of my life, the better.

It was time to go home and sleep.

When I got to the penthouse, it was quiet. This was how it used to be before Emmie and Danna had come to stay here. I’d loved the quiet, the space that was my own, but now that they were out, the silence was deafening, and I realized how big my penthouse was. What did I need all this space for?

I got in bed and lay on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I had to sleep if I wanted to get through tonight at the club, but sleep wouldn’t come. My mind spun in circles, running around Danna and Emmie, running around Zen’s attitude and what Rune had said to me.

Magic tingled in the air, and I sat up. I frowned, straining my ears to listen for a sound that could accompany the magic.


Where was it coming from?

I turned my attention inward, focusing on my magic and what I felt rather than the world around me.

It wasn’t my magic I felt. It was something Danna was feeling. I picked up on it through our bond.

I scrambled backward, staggering at the idea that I could feel something she felt. Fear clutched at me. I couldn’t be this connected to her. Fated mate bonds were forever, I couldn’t just get rid of it.

The magic tingled again, and fear followed it again, threatening to choke me. It took a moment to realize that the fear I felt wasn’t my fear. Yeah, my fear was there, too, and it was trying to strangle me, but what I felt more strongly was Danna’s fear.

Something was wrong.

I jumped out of bed and ran through the penthouse. I threw open the sliding door and leaped off the balcony without thinking. All I knew was that she needed me.

I shifted in mid-air and brought myself up, flapping my wings, lifting myself higher and higher. Fuck, humans were going to see me do this one of these days, and then I had a different kind of hell to pay, but right now, I didn’t give a shit.

Danna needed me.

I hovered in the air, trying to figure out where to go. Her connection to me was like a location device, and in no time, I knew where she was. It was instinctive rather than cognitive, and I headed in that direction.

The park was empty when I got there, and I dropped myself onto a building so that the humans wouldn’t see me buck naked. The park shouldn’t have been abandoned—it was the middle of the day, heading toward the weekend. There should have been people everywhere.

There were no humans, and no sign of Danna and Emmie. Or Rune.

My heart beat in my throat, and my stomach twisted. This time, the panic was all mine—where the hell were they?

Calm down, be a fucking alpha,I reprimanded myself.

I was bigger than this. I couldn’t let my emotions control me.

The moment I thought it, I took a deep breath and calmed my mind. I focused on the bond and found her.

They weren’t too far off, and her fear wasn’t as strong as it had been before. It was more like a latent nervousness rather than outright fear or panic.

A moment later, I spotted them. Rune led them out of a building and toward his car. I waited, saw him head toward the penthouse, and I shifted into dragon form, going back there, too.

I got to the penthouse before them, and by the time they arrived, I was dressed and waiting for them.

Danna’s eyes were wide, and she was still worked up—her pulse jumped in her throat in the place where I liked to kiss her. Emmie looked a little shaken up, but she didn’t look too panicked.
