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He was so handsome when he looked at me like that, teetering between the look of pure pleasure and a scowl that was as attractive as it was terrifying—his dragon slid behind his eyes, and I was very aware of his beast.

Wesley kissed me again, and I forgot about the animal, the magic, I forgot about everything but Wesley. He was the one I’d fallen in love with, and he was the one who I’d become so incredibly attached to. The dragon was there, but it was a part of who he was. It was a part of my life now, too.

Everything with Wesley was different. The sexual tension was more intense, but so were my emotions. I’d never felt this strongly about anyone I’d been with. I wanted to be with him in a way I’d never wanted to be with anyone, and when we were apart from each other, I had a hollow ache inside of me that couldn’t be fixed any other way than seeing him again.

I should have been worried about it. I should have been panicked that I felt like this about him when I didn’t know where we would end up, but I couldn’t help myself. Wesley had become everything to me in a short time, and I didn’t know how it was possible.

I just knew that I felt that way about him.

Wesley pushed me toward another orgasm with his cock stroking against all the right spots, and my breath hitched as he planted kisses on my lips between my ragged breathing.

His breathing changed, becoming shallower, too. He was getting closer to an orgasm, and I wanted him to release.

The orgasm he’d coaxed into being erupted inside me, and my pussy clamped down on his cock as pure pleasure ripped through my body. I whimpered, and Wesley pumped harder and faster. It intensified my orgasm, stretching it out. A moment later, he pushed into me as deep as he could go, letting out a sharp cry, and I felt the orgasm roll through his body. His muscles clenched, and he let out a groan, his body jerking on mine. His cock throbbed inside of me, and I shivered at the feel of him against me when I was sensitive and tight now that I’d orgasmed again.

We cried out in unison, our voices creating a moaning harmony to our orgasm as we rode out the storm together, and Wesley’s magic filled the room, growing thicker and thicker still. It welded us together, sealing the seams so that we were one being.

I felt closer to him, more connected than anything I’d ever felt before, and the heat that came with it ran over my skin like a current of electricity. I bit my lower lip and looked into Wesley’s eyes. They glowed brightly, his pupils thin slits.

Finally, slowly, the orgasm faded, and our pleasure slowly subsided. Wesley slipped out of me, and he lay down next to me, breathing hard. I turned my head to look at him. His eyes returned to normal, and the magic faded slowly, too, until it was just the two of us, and the magic was just a pulsing afterthought like the steam that still hung in a bathroom after the shower had been turned off.

We lay in silence for a long while.

“I don’t know how to do this,” Wesley said, his voice soft in the dim light that came from one bedside lamp that was on.

“What?” I asked.

“A family.”

I turned my head and looked at him, not sure what he was trying to say to me. It was too much to hope that he would want us to stay here with him. I wanted that, but we hadn’t said anything like that out loud.

“I didn’t know my mother,” he continued when I didn’t say anything, filling the silence. “My dad left when I was just a kid, so I faced the world alone.”

“Oh, Wesley,” I said. I could almost feel his pain, the echo of his sorrow running through me.

“I moved through the foster system for a while, but it wasn’t a good experience. No one really cared about me, not the way they should have for me to know what it means to have a family, and now… It’s what made me a fighter. I don’t know what it means to be a partner and a father. I know how to fight for what I want, how to get to the top, and how to keep everyone at arm’s length, and what Emmie needs from me… is none of that.”

“All kids need is to know that you’re there for them,” I said.

Wesley drew circles on my arm in a motion that seemed to soothe him.

He didn’t answer me, didn’t respond to what I said. I didn’t know if it meant something to him or was an answer to his question. All I knew was that he was doing much better than he thought, and no one had ever cared about Emmie more, taking care of her and making sure she was okay.

I didn’t want to put any kind of pressure on him, though. He’d opened up to me, being very vulnerable, and the last thing I wanted was for him to shut down again because I’d pushed him too hard or asked him for something he wasn’t ready to give.

So, I kissed his forehead, and when he tucked me closer to him, we lay in silence for a while, just being together the way we were meant to be.



Ilay in bed. The sun was high in the sky, and the house was filled with life. Circe was here, and so were Danna and Emmie. They laughed about something—I could hear the little girl’s laughter drifting up the stairs from whatever they were doing.

Emmie, mydaughter.

I didn’t know how I felt about that. I didn’t know anything anymore.

There had been a time when I’d been determined to sayfuck it alland send them away for good. I had wanted nothing to do with them.
