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I got up and walked to my bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face, but the water evaporated and turned to steam the moment it touched my skin. My scales were gone, and I was just a man, but my dragon and my magic were dangerously close to the surface.

Something felt wrong. Very wrong. Danna’s dragon face stayed in the forefront of my mind, almost superimposed all around me, no matter where I looked. I saw her, almost like a vision.

When I stepped out of my room, I needed answers. This hadn’t just been a regular dream. Something about it wasn’t normal—my magic shouldn’t have been this close to the surface, my dragon this close to breaking free unless I was angry.

I wasn’t angry.

The penthouse was quiet. The laughter and giggles that had floated toward me from the kitchen had faded, but the smell of baked goods filled the house.

I walked to the kitchen.

Emmie and Danna sat at the breakfast nook, decorating cupcakes with sprinkles and icing. Circe sat with them, tasting the icing and laughing about something that someone must have said.

They all looked up at me when I walked in. I didn’t know what my face showed, but the conversation stopped.

“I need to talk to you,” I said to the fae.

Circe hesitated only a second before she nodded and stood.

“I’ll be right back,” she said and turned to Emmie. “Make me a nice one!”

“I’ll add extra sprinkles,” Emmie promised.

“I want one, too,” I said without thinking.

Emmie nodded, and her face broke into a bright smile. “Okay.”

When I left the kitchen, Circe followed me.

I walked through the house, leading the fae to my bedroom, which was the furthest away from where Emmie and Danna still decorated their cupcakes.

“What is it?” Circe asked. “You’re very secretive.”

“I need to talk to you about Danna,” I said. “I had a dream.”


I explained to her what I’d seen in my dream, how the woman had changed into Danna again and again. I told her how Danna had become a dragon, which shouldn’t have been possible since she was just human. I told her how my magic had been almost impossible to deal with when I’d woken up.

“Hmm,” Circe said. She walked to the armchair in the corner and sat down.

“What?” I asked. “What’shmmsupposed to mean?”

“Usually, I would say you’re so caught up in Danna that you dream about her, and it’s not a big deal, but you dreamed about Josephine.”

“Do you know who that is?” I asked.

“Don’t you?”

I shook my head. “How the hell should I know who that is? I don’t know anyone like that.” Was she someone in my pack? It wasn’t impossible—I didn’t know as much about my pack as I should have, and that was on me. Something about this Josephine woman had been familiar, after all, but I was pretty sure I didn’t know who she was.

“Her full name is Josephine Rosenberg,” Circe said and studied me as if this was something that should have rung a bell. I shook my head… until it dawned on me that Danna’s surname was Rosenberg, too.

“Is she family of Danna’s?”

“She’s the one Danna inherited the house from. Josephine was a very powerful woman, with a lot of knowledge about magic, but she wasn’t a shifter.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” I said. “She had shifter magic.”
