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Zen shook his head. “You don’t understand much about this world, so I’ll explain it to you. Since you’re so buddy-buddy with the fae, you should know that the fae aren’t all good. Some of them use dark magic.”

I’d learned a bit about dark magic. Demons, who lived in the Underworld, and the vampires they created both used dark magic. I hadn’t known that fae could use dark magic. I made a mental note to ask Circe about it when I got out of here.

When,notif, because there was no way I was doing any of this shit that Zen was talking about. I didn’t care what he thought he could do.

“He’ll be here at any moment,” Zen said. “He’ll create the mate bond between us.”

“We’re not fated,” I said.

“No, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be mated,” Zen said, and he looked irritated. “The whole fated thing is such a fantasy, it’s pathetic. It doesn’t exist, anyway. Besides, despite the fact that we’re not fated, I’ll get your magic, and that’s all I want. As soon as that’s taken care of, we’ll leave here, and Wesley won’t be able to do anything about it.”

My blood ran cold. Was he really going to force me to become his mate? It sounded horrific, and if he did that with some kind of dark magic… I shivered at the idea.

“You’re not going to do this to me,” I said, determined to fight him on this.

No way was I going to be his mate in any way, even if it was just to get my power. That was the last thing I wanted to give him.

“You don’t have a choice,” Zen said, kneeling in front of me. “You’re not strong enough to fight me.” When I looked confused, he grinned maliciously. “I know all about your transition, but the angel isn’t going to be able to help you now. She just pushed you deeper into the shit without knowing it.” He straightened himself up and turned away from me.

I couldn’t let it happen. There was no way I would let him have my power, no way I would do something where he would go against Wesley. It was bad enough that Zen, one of the closest people to him, betrayed him. If he wanted to dethrone him with my power, that would just be too much.



“Where thefuckis she?!” I barked, walking into Danna’s room again for the umpteenth time, as if it was going to make her magically appear again.

“I don’t know,” Rune said. “I told Zen to come and check on her when we went out.”

I shook my head. Zen had been a wild card lately, but after he’d come to apologize, I’d thought the asshole had seen the error of his ways. Maybe he had, and something else had happened, but I seriously doubted it.

“Find your brother,” I growled at Rune. “Or you take the brunt of his fuckup.”

“Hey,” Rune said with a frown. “Stop blaming me for his mistakes. We aren’t the same person.”

“I know,” I bit out.

It wasn’t fair, but I was pissed off and anxious as hell now that Danna was missing.

She should have been in bed. She was weak, going through her transition; she couldn’t have left on her own. Considering how many times she’d been kidnapped the past couple of weeks, it was safe to assume that was what had happened.


Where the hell was Zen, and why hadn’t he protected her when I’d needed him to?

“I can help,” Circe said, coming into the room.

Her curly hair hung over her shoulders like a curtain, and magic danced on her skin. She looked half-wild, a creature that could take out an army with her fury.

She was as upset that Danna had disappeared as I was.

“How?” I demanded.

I fucking hated the fae, but right now, I had to find Danna, and if the fae was the way to do it, then that was how it had to be.

“You’re bound to her,” Circe said.

I nodded. I might have fought against getting attached, being a family man, and all that entailed, but the fated bond had happened whether or not I’d wanted it, and now that my mate was missing, I was about to lose my shit. I was antsy, pacing the penthouse, hands balled into fists. I wanted to break shit, but nothing I did, no matter how much I lost my temper, was going to find her and bring her back.

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