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“Oh?” I asked. My insides were burning, but I acted nonchalant, not looking at him while I cleaned up.

“We had a few things to figure out after Zen got into his territory to get after you. He was pissed off that someone managed to get in under his nose when he’s so serious about control.”

“You’ve mentioned his control before.”

Wesley nodded.

“I want you to stay here.”

I frowned at him, lowering the stack of papers I’d just picked up.


“You’re my mate, Danna. We’re bound together, meant to be with each other. It’s not just about what’ssupposedto happen. It’s about what Iwantto happen. I want to be with you. I’m asking you and Emmie to stay here, with me.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “Really?”

“You’re everything, Danna,” he said again. “I lost you once when I was too stupid to listen to what I felt. I nearly lost you again because of beings I couldn’t trust, and I’m not letting that happen again. I can’t promise this is going to be easy. I’m difficult to work with, I have a lot of issues I’m still dealing with, and even though the curse is broken, I’m terrified I’ll still fuck it up. I’ll do everything it takes to do right by you, though, because I can’t imagine a life without you. So, Danna Rosenberg… stay. Be my mate. Marry me, while we’re at it.”

“What?!” I cried out. “Did you just—”

“Propose,” Wesley said, nodding. His eyes were wide, and he looked as surprised as I did at the words that had just come out of his mouth. “Marry me; live with me. Let’s run this pack together, be a family.”

The tears streamed down my cheeks by now.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll marry you, and I’ll stay, and I’ll be a family with you.” This was what I’d wanted, this was what wasright.

Wesley grabbed me and kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on tightly because I wasn’t ever going to let go, either.

When we finally broke the kiss, I looked into Wesley’s eyes. They were dark blue and drowning deep, filled with adoration and something I hadn’t seen in them since I’d met him—hope.

“We have to tell Emmie,” I said softly.

“That we’re engaged and you’re staying here?”

I giggled. “Yeah, that too. But we have to tell her that you’re her father.”

Wesley hesitated. “I know the curse is broken, but I’m still scared I’ll screw it up somehow.”

“We all screw up,” I said. “But you love her, and I love her, and we love each other. That’s all it takes, you know.”

Wesley nodded slowly, but he still looked unsure.

“She loves you, Wes,” I said and planted a kiss on his lips. “She’s going to be ecstatic, and we’ll be a family. You, me, and Emmie—the dragon family.”

“It has such a cliché ring to it,” Wesley laughed.

“I like cliché,” I said with a sniff.

Wesley took my hands and planted kisses on both my knuckles.

“You know what? I’m starting to like them, too.”



Istood in the kitchen, my stomach all tied up in knots so that I felt sick. I’d done a lot of big things in my life—I’d fought long and hard to be alpha, I’d dealt with betrayal, with the club and the hotels and all the businessmen. I’d been through to hell and back a shit ton of times, but all of that had seemed like a walk in the park compared to what I had to do now.
