Page 2 of Here You Are

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Charlie knew she wouldn’t be breaching their agreed code without good reason. Play together, work apart. It had been that way for more than two years. Charlie had made it clear that she had no time for a relationship, especially one which might trip her up in the courtroom.

“Charlie, you’re a bloody tease. Just take the case, and we can finish these drinks and head somewhere more comfortable.”

A group of clerks from her chambers had gathered at the bar, and Charlie wanted to avoid their attention. The last thing she needed at work was any speculation about her personal life ruining her chances of another promotion. The boys would love to get one up on her any way they could.

“Are you listening to me? Let’s go and have some fun.” Jude leaned across the table and held Charlie’s fingers in her own.

Charlie pulled back, avoiding her touch. She wanted to say no, but it had been a couple of weeks since they last saw each other, and Jude looked delicious across the table.What’s the harm?

“Okay, I’m bored, so let’s go to your place. But I haven’t made a decision on the brief. Joshua might need to get another barrister onto it. I don’t like mess at work, you know that.” Charlie used the broken-record technique with clients when she had boundaries to enforce. She also used it with people she loved, even liked, when she wanted to protect herself from difficult feelings.

She stretched her legs and enjoyed the sharp tailoring of her designer two-piece.

“Settle the bill and put it against the case. I’ll meet you at the door.”

A few blissful hours passed, and Charlie stretched against the hotel sheets, while running her fingertips across Jude’s shoulder blades.

“Kiss me.”

Jude’s command made Charlie throb with a yearning that had only just been satisfied. She complied, guiding Jude’s lips to her own. She brushed her hands across Jude’s bronze skin, teasing the smooth surface beneath her fingers.

She ran her tongue along Jude’s jawline and tasted the sweat from the last few hours they’d spent in the king size bed.

“If you’re trying to soften me up to take that case, it’s not going to work—”

Jude clamped her mouth on Charlie’s nipple, and the vibration coursed through her breasts.

“I have no doubt, Charlotte Mason, that you will take that case based on its legal merit and your burning desire to,” Jude looked at Charlie and ran her tongue across her lips, “do the right thing.”

Charlie’s back arched, her muscles contracted, and her thoughts evaporated under Jude’s lips. Being together was a sort of stress relief for them both.

Jude’s thigh nestled between Charlie’s legs, and she couldn’t still the pulsing which started. Her breath came quicker, and her lips parted. Jude planted kisses along Charlie’s stomach. She gave in to Jude’s expert touch, relishing the moment. She parted her legs, guiding Jude to her centre. Her breathing was heavy and rhythmic. She craved this feeling of abandonment, where there was nothing else in the world but her body responding to the touch of someone else.

Charlie raised her hips, and she fought the urge to clamp her legs at Jude’s caresses. Her need was building, and she couldn’t hold back much longer. She was desperate to flip Jude and take control.

It seemed like Jude read her body, barely touching and then pushing harder, and harder again. The combination of Jude’s tongue and her fingers were too much; Charlie bucked and curved towards the ceiling of the hotel room. “Yes.” She clutched Jude’s head against her.

“Fuck.” Jude played with Charlie for a moment longer before they relaxed into one another’s arms.

Charlie pictured the pile of manila folders on her desk. She got up and walked around the room, collecting her strewn clothes.

“I have to go,” She struggled with a button in her haste to leave and left it undone.

“Really? Stay for a while. I have the good champagne in the fridge.” Jude propped herself up on two pillows and crossed her arms above her head.

“I have work to finish. And I bet you do too.” Charlie laughed, adjusting her trousers. She liked being with Jude, but she also liked having the freedom to leave. “You clearly have no intention of seeing me to the door.”

“True. This was gorgeous, as ever.” Jude stretched and the covers fell to reveal her breasts.

Charlie averted her gaze. She really did have work to do and didn’t have time for round two. “Sure.”

“Charlie?” Jude turned onto her side and hooked her leg out of the white sheet. “Let me know about the case.”

Charlie stepped out and closed the door behind her. She ran her tongue over her top lip and tasted Jude, recalling the pleasures of the last few hours. She relished the thrill of hungry bodies that didn’t come laden with emotions. Heading into the cold air, she was thankful to Jude for dragging her out of the office in the middle of the day. Sure, she got lonely, sometimes, but work kept her mind busy and when she was in the mood, Jude was just a phone call away.

Maybe taking this case wouldn’t be such an awful idea? Jude would do the heavy lifting and it would be a favour, for a friend. That’s what they were, wasn’t it? Friends, with benefits.

Chapter Two
