Page 82 of Here You Are

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“Well, that’s good for him. A bit of extra money. He’ll have that car before he knows it.” Elda smiled across at her makeshift family.

“Has your mum been working long hours at the pharmacy?” Charlie asked.

“Yeah, she’s a supervisor now. Not sure what they’d do without her.”

“She deserves it. Good on her.” Elda broke her bread in half and handed a piece to Elijah. “How’s uni, Chloe?”

“It’s good. I’m trying to get my dissertation finished. Which is, you know, a pain in the tits.”

Both women nodded with their mouths full.

“Did you get that bio-science placement?” Elda adjusted herself to make room for her bump.

“Yeah, the letter came through last week. I haven’t told Mum yet. I don’t think she’s going to love that I’ll be in London for a year.”

“She’ll be proud of you, Chloe. It’s such an achievement. Plus, we’ll look after you when Elda’s down there working.” Charlie picked up some discarded crusts. “Eli, don’t throw, darling. Jacob, don’t let him do that, sweetheart. He’s making a mess.”

“I can’t stop him trashing the place. He’s a liability!” Jacob laughed.

“So were you at that age, you cheeky monkey.” Charlie nudged him in the ribs. “We can tell you all the stories, if you like?”

“No thanks, you lot.” Jacob grinned.

Elda considered her strange little family. The joyful possibilities of her life stretched out in front of her. She counted her blessings around the picnic rug; she’d been showered with unconditional love and acceptance and had learned what it was to be part of something. She was cared for, nurtured, and cherished in a way she’d never known.

While they ate, Charlie hugged Elda closer and put their hands together in her lap. She leaned across and nuzzled into her neck.

“Here you are.”

“Here we are.” Elda put her hand on the baby growing inside her and leaned to kiss Charlie’s sticky lips. Love, unrivalled.

Hi there, I just wanted to say a big thank you for checking out Elda and Charlie’s story.
