Page 27 of Guarding Her Heart

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Caleb snorts. “I can stop you. All I have to do is talk to him. I guarantee the man will bow out. He doesn’t want to get fucked up for looking at my little sister.”

She smirks at him. “He’s got a gun, dipshit. The man’s a freaking FBI agent. You really think you’re gonna scare him?”

I scowl at my youngest. “What do you mean he’s in the FBI? You never mentioned that to me, princess!”

She rolls her silver eyes dramatically. She’s the spitting image of her beautiful mom and I have a major soft spot for her. She knows it too.

“Seriously, Rainbow? The FBI? Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

Her full lips quirk. “Because I knew you couldn’t resist meeting him then. And you’d probably have Uncle Gage out there looking up his fucking underwear size and every other trivial question you could come up with.”

“Watch your mouth, princess,” I mutter under my breath.

She snorts. “I told you and the boys to stay the hell out of my love life!”

“Whatever happened to the last guy. I liked him.”

“Of course you did. You scared him so bad that he literally ran away from me. We were walking and then he just took off like his dick was on fire.” She turns to glare at Cain. “That’s when I realized that this dipshit was out there swinging a bat around like he was in the major leagues.” She pauses for breath and glares harder at Cain who’s snickering under his breath. “And don’t think I missed the I’m watching you bullshit at him.”

All three of us bust out laughing and that just pisses Rainbow off. “Where the hell is Mom? I’m gonna settle this for the last time.” She stomps off and for the first time I feel a little niggle of unease. If Cassie gets pissed off, I’ll be in the doghouse tonight. Literally. The one time she got really pissed off at me, the woman locked me out and the dog and I had to share his house. He was unamused. Luckily it was a big house but still…. I’m not gonna lie. She’s scary.

Cassie comes round the corner, Rainbow behind her and my blood runs cold. Her brow lifts and she eyes all three of us like she’s measuring us for caskets.

“Now, baby girl…” I barely get the words out before she holds up one slim hand.

“Nope. I warned you three. Leave the girls alone. For heaven’s sake, they’re both over thirty. They don’t need you three scaring every guy who looks cross-eyed at them.”

Hanging my head, I shift on my feet. “I’m sorry, honey. We just want to make sure that they’re taken care of.”

She shakes her long hair out, her eyes glowing. “That was the original thought. But then you guys just made a game out of it. Now…Rainbow is going to go out with this new guy.” She turns to smile at our daughter. “I’ve met him and he seems nice. And you three are going to back off and let the girls live their own lives.”

I blush and kick my boot out, scuffing the floor. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to cause a problem for the girls. You know that.”

Her soft hand pats my cheek and I can smell the perfume she wears. “I do. They don’t. You guys had this goofy little competition but it’s over now.”

All three of us nod our heads and she shoots me her radiant smile. My heart races. She moves towards me and leans into my ear. “Bad daddy, maybe you should be the one getting a spanking tonight.”

Shivering, my eyes heat and I growl under my breath. “Behave yourself.”

Her silver eyes sparkle with mischief and she dances out of my reach. Growling, I lunge for her again. “You can’t outrun me forever, pixie. I’m gonna get you right where I want you later. And then you’re gonna pay.”

Her brows lift and fall and she laughs. “I’ll be looking forward to that.”

Watching her walk away, I can’t believe how wonderful my life has been. I found the most perfect woman for me. We’ve raised four beautiful kids and have twelve grandchildren to spoil rotten, which Cassie does with unabashed glee.

I have thanked heaven for her since I brought her home with me. She’s my angel, the reason that I’m still walking and talking instead of staring at walls and wishing that I could figure out what to do with my life.

All I needed was to find Cassie and my future was written in each one of her smiles, her happy laughter, our children’s faces. A future that stretches out in front of me, full of love and laughter and so much joy that you can’t contain it.

That joy is glowing from her now. She’s a goddess standing there smiling and hugging everyone.

Her eyes meet mine and I can’t look away. That right there is what’s made my whole life worth living. The breathless hum of desire that still ripples across my skin and throughout my body with just one look from her.

Lust, desire and love. All part of the magic that is my woman’s heart and soul. The most precious treasure I’ve ever held and ever will.
