Page 15 of Sparrow's Grace

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“Why do you call me Angel? For all you know, I could be the devil reincarnated,” I asked him as the nurse who had been in here earlier, wheeled the ultrasound machine into the room.

He chuckled as he moved a strand of my hair behind my ear, and I saw his eyes soften even more, if that were even possible.

“Because the moment I saw your picture on my Pres.’s phone, you looked like an angel to me. And if you are the devil reincarnated, then that won’t bother me a fucking bit. You can burn me alive for all I care. Just have to ask one thing of you.”

I scrunched my brow as I asked, “And what is that?”

“Never take those eyes away from me. I always say that a person’s eyes are a view of their soul. There’s the color of green, baby, then there’s the color of green like what you have. It reminds me of the first day of spring as the morning dew has settled on blades of grass.”

“Are you a closet poet?” I asked him as I sniffled, trying to hold in the tears from his words.

Leaning in to whisper so only I could hear, he said, “For you, I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”

But before I had the chance to ask him what he meant by that, the nurse smiled and then had me lowering the blanket so they could check on the baby.

She smiled, then nodded at the man and asked, “Do you feel comfortable having this man in here?”

Did I?

I’ve never met him before.

Well, that’s a partial lie.

Because it had hit me, somewhere between his Angel and the color of his eyes. He was the one that had scowled when Deck called me a bitch.

Call me crazy, but the only reason I was comfortable with him being here was that I had seen his jaw harden when one of the paramedics put their hands on me to check me over.

“Yes, that is, if he wants to stay in here.” I was looking at the man who I still didn’t know the name of. The same man who hadn’t bothered looking at the nurse only kept his eyes on me.

“Take an army to get me away from you… well… not even that, if I’m being honest,” he told me.

“Okay then, honey, since you aren’t far along yet, a normal ultrasound won’t pick up the baby, so we have to do this vaginally. I’m going to need you to place your feet here and here, and then I’m going to insert this into your vagina. Okay?”

“Sure you want to be in here?” I asked as I placed my feet where she had instructed.

“Not going anywhere, Angel,” he told me as he kept his eyes on the little monitor, not once venturing to the nurse and what she was doing.

“Do you have a brother?” the nurse asked him as she pulled the wand from my vagina after we saw the baby and heard his or her little heartbeat.

He laughed then and nodded, “Yeah, got a few. They all have ol’ ladies. Two of them are interested in women that they will end up claiming, though.”

She sighed. “Figures, all the good ones are taken.”

After she cleaned everything up and wheeled the machine out of the room, I realized that neither one of us had bothered to correct her that at least I was single. But I didn’t know if he was.

When we were alone, I said, “You know, I don’t even know your name, and you were in here when she checked on my baby.”

He chuckled at that and said, “Name’s Zeke.”

“No road name?” I asked him. Sure, some of the guys in my dad’s club didn’t have road names. So perhaps their clubs weren’t that different after all. And that alone terrified me.

Had I made a mistake in coming here? In choosing this state all over a brief encounter with the guys when they had been in California.

Taking me from my sad thoughts, he said, “Nah, most of the guys in my club don’t have one.”

I nodded at that and said, “You probably already know my name is Savannah.”

“I did, darlin’. It’s nice to officially meet you.” He smiled as he squeezed my hand which he has yet to let go of.
