Page 18 of Sparrow's Grace

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Sadly, that had the effect of waking up Savannah. Fuck. Note to self. Must not laugh when she is sleeping on my chest.

Because you best believe this would be happening again.

Sleepily Savannah asked, “How long was I out?”

I tightened my arms around her and then whispered into her hair, “Not long. About half an hour. Feel better?”

“Much.” And then she somehow snuggled deeper into my embrace.

“While you were sleeping, Gaston called, wants you to call him when you get released and then let them know where you land because apparently, his woman is wanting to know, badly.”

She laughed softly at that. And before she could reply, there was a knock on the door as a woman stepped into the room and said they were taking her for an x-ray.

Letting go of her, I scooted out of the bed, all the while ensuring that I didn’t move her too much.

“Be right here when you get back,” I told her as I pressed a kiss to her temple and then stepped back while she was taken from me.

And no, I hadn’t missed the look on her face when I told her that Gaston’s woman wanted to know where she landed. Almost as if she had no clue.

And that, well, that just didn’t sit right with me.

So, while I waited for her to get back from the x-ray, I planned out what I was going to do. But not before I made sure to settle the hospital’s bill.

And once I had that done, I didn’t hesitate to place my plan in motion.

Grabbing my phone I called Powers, and of course, without a greeting, he said, “Yeah, how is she?”

“She’s having an x-ray now, said it wouldn’t harm the baby. Making sure she didn’t break her hip.”

“Good. Fucking hell, not even here a day, and she’s been hurt.” Fuck me, I put on a brave front for her, but no one was feeling the pain from that like I was.

“I know.” I poured the guilt I felt into those two words, then I cleared my throat, “Have y’all found a place for her already?”

“Supposed to go and look at apartments tomorrow,” he answered, and I knew that Lil had been the one to find them.

But my woman wouldn’t be staying in an apartment. Hell fucking no. “Cancel it. She’s staying with me. I got the room.”

Powers sighed then said, “Brother…” But I didn’t let him finish that thought.

“When did you know that Lil was the one?” I asked him as I stopped in front of her room and paced the hall.

He sighed yet again. He knew what I was about to say, “The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. Simple as that. He got what I was putting down.

“I’ll have your back like always, but just remember where she came from. We don’t know all the shit that fucker did to her. You may have to tread with caution on this, brother.” Powers put a voice to all the thoughts that were running through my mind.

I nodded as I saw that Monroe was making his way to me with a bag in one hand, and his other in his jeans pocket, and to Powers, I said, “I got you.”

Powers huffed out a laugh, “You claiming her already?”

I shrugged, “Depends. Need to know what all she’s been through first. She needs to spread her wings and fly, I’m thinking. I’ll give her a place to land after she’s done that.”

With his next words, I knew I needed to take certain things into consideration, “And what if that takes her years to do, brother?”

I didn’t even have to think about my answer, the words just fell from my mouth, and I had zero regrets about every word spoken, “Then I’ll be here. You know me, Powers. Never given my all to anyone except the club. Been waiting for the right one to step into my life.”

“She did that, that’s for sure.” He barked out a laugh.
