Page 31 of Sparrow's Grace

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I didn’t have to wait long.

That was because he entered my room with two plates balanced on one arm, his large hand holding two glasses.

I was smiling ear to ear as I took one of the plates from him and a glass of orange juice.

“This looks amazing. Thank you,” I said as I stared into his eyes.

He winked at me, and that wink, well, it shot straight to my core. “Welcome, hope it tastes good.”

Then, without another word, we both dug in.

And once the flavors lit into my tongue, I moaned.

I was so intent on eating the delicious goodness and missed the way his eyes darkened at my moan and the puff of his chest.

After I ate my last bite, I didn’t realize that my orange juice was about to fall over from where I had it resting in the crook of my knee.

Not until his hand moved really fast and stopped it from falling, and at his hand moving real fast, I flinched.

His other hand fisted on his thigh at my flinch. “I would never hit you. Know you don’t know that, but that’s the truth. I will never hurt you.”

When I breathed out, he smiled, “Got a favor to ask, know it’s a big one”

I nodded, then waited. “Trust me. Don’t be afraid to be yourself around me. Can you do that?”

I swallowed, “I can try.”

“Good. That’s all I can ask you to do. You try for me, and I’ll try to have the patience of a saint.”

Without realizing it, his face was inches from mine, and my body had control over everything, as I looked down at his full lips and licked my bottom lip.

The only thing I wanted was to feel his lips on mine. I couldn’t explain it.

After everything I’d been through with Deck, why would I want another man touching me?

But with Zeke, I couldn’t explain it.

Then the moment was broken when we both heard a knock on the door.

He growled, grabbed our plates, and walked out of my room.

But not before he turned to me and said, “You need time to heal, going to give you that. When you're ready, I’ll know. Then I’ll make my move.”

After he left, I sighed, then ran my hand through my hair.

I was walking down the hall after him with our glasses when he opened the door and asked, “Fucking really? You couldn’t have waited and knocked thirty minutes later?”

I knew it was a woman because of the giggle. “No, I couldn’t. Now, step aside. We are here to get Savannah and take her on a tour of her new town.”

“Fucking hell,” he growled, then he looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with me.

And I swore, if looks could kill, none of the women would be breathing right now.

I grinned, “Hey ladies.”

“Hey girl, hey,” Harlow said as she glared at Zeke to move.

I laughed, “Zeke, you going to let them in?”
