Page 6 of Sparrow's Grace

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A baby that was going to be the best part of me.

That thought had the first genuine smile over the past two years hit my face.

And then it was gone.

It wasn’t going to be the best part of Deck. No. After everything, I was of the mindset that he didn’t deserve to be a father.

However, I wasn’t that kind of person. I couldn’t be that kind of person. No matter how much that ate at me.

I was going to tell him. I was just going to make sure there was someone else in the room that he wouldn’t go against when I told him. Someone that he couldn’t act out in front of. Because if Gaston knew what was happening, I had no doubt that Deck would feel his displeasure.

The moment I made it to my car, I started it up and cranked the a/c, turning it to full blast.

Laying my hand on my stomach, I made a vow to my baby, “I’ll always be here for you, little bruiser. I don’t ever want you to feel as though you’re unwanted. Even though you are a surprise, and you weren’t planned, you are the very best surprise. I’ll be there to rock you to sleep. I’ll be there for every major milestone you achieve. I’ll be there to hold you when you’re upset, wipe your tears away and swear to you that nothing is ever going to hurt you. Cause if that happens, I’ll be the one that is hurting right along with you.”

Arriving at the clubhouse, thirty minutes before the celebration was supposed to start, mind you, I parked my car, grabbed his gift, climbed out, and started walking to the front doors.

Only to have my arm grabbed viscously by Deck as he spun me around and slammed my back against the brick wall. I let out a startled cry and an oomph when pain radiated along my spine.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Gaston. God love the man.

“Boy, never seen you do that to her. Never thought I’d ever see it. Her father was here, you’d be dead. Be in your best interest to let her go, step back, and get the fuck out of my sight,” Gaston growled out from the open doorway.

Deck released me immediately, snarled, and then walked inside the clubhouse without a backward glance.

What the hell was going on with him? He’s always been like this, but he made sure to never do something like that where there was a chance that anyone else could see.

“You okay, darlin’?” Gaston asked me after taking a puff off his smoke.

“Yeah, nothing new,” I told him with a shrug of my shoulders.

He nodded then said, “Say the word, darlin’. I’ll lay his fucking ass out.”

Gaston didn’t make promises that he didn’t keep.

I knew that if I said the word, that was exactly what Gaston would do.

Smiling nervously at him, I gathered up all the courage I could muster and finally said, “I need to talk to you after if you're free?”

An all-knowing glint came in his hazel eyes when he said, “Always make time for you. Let’s party, then we can talk in my office.”

“Thanks, Gaston.” I hadn’t realized that I had my hand resting protectively over my belly, but Gaston hadn’t missed it.

Not by a long shot.

Standing there in the main room beside Deck, I wished Gaston a happy birthday as he blew out his candle at his ol’ lady’s insistence. All the while rolling his eyes as he did so.

Because he would never say no to his ol’ lady. He loved Felicia more than anything and he had made it clear that if she was ever tired of this life, he would turn in his colors with zero hesitation.

And that was the last time for the rest of the night that Deck was even remotely near me.

In that, he was all over a new club bunny who had the gall to smirk at me. She could have him as far as I was concerned.

And before I made a move that was going to change everything, I looked over to Gaston’s ol’ lady, Felicia.

She has been around this club since it started. Gaston and she had been thick as thieves since elementary school or so my father had always told me. And watching the way the two of them are together, it was still the case.

I kind of exaggerated earlier. The only time the volume got turned down was when Felicia asked for it to be, which was rare.
