Page 68 of Sparrow's Grace

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He growled and muttered, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Proud fucking of it.” I looked up at Zeke when he said that and couldn’t help but let the huge grin I was sporting turn into a full-blown smile.

I laughed outright then when June asked Heathen to bend down so she could piggyback on him like Harlow was doing with Skinner.

He didn’t say a word as he did as she asked and wrapped his hands around her thighs to hold on to.

Zeke stopped walking and then said, “I ain’t the only one pussy whipped.”

Everyone started laughing while the women all had fits of giggles, as every woman was either given a piggyback ride or carried bridal style like I was, except for Lil and Powers.

And when we reached the restaurant, my man didn’t put me down until we were inside the restaurant and the floor was dry.

“Umm, is this a thing with bikers where y’all carry your women in the rain?” A woman asked that had stopped to let us all in where she stood to the side with her husband at her back.

“It is if she bought new shoes this morning and her face lit up,” Zeke said as he wrapped his arm around my waist, his hand landing protectively over my belly.

“Don’t even say you want me to do that. You’re fucking heavy on a good day. You’ll break my back,” some man said to a woman at his side as they walked in our direction.

And that was when the air around us tilted.

“He did not just say that,” I said with a growl.

“My hearing is on point. He just fucking said that,” June growled.

“Oh shit,” Lincoln muttered.

“Wanna repeat that shit?” Harlow asked as she stormed up to the man. Skinner followed her and took her back.

I was taking a step in their direction to offer him a bitch slap when Zeke tightened his arm around me, then whispered low enough for his brothers and their ol’ ladies to hear, “Let Harlow and the other women handle him. He reacts and hurts you and my baby? He’ll no longer be breathing.”

“I said…” the man started, but stopped when Harlow held her hand up, silencing him.

“I know what you said. I wanted to see if you would apologize before I start on your dumbass self. But I can see that you had to have taken one too many up the ass and it affected your brain cells or something.” The man’s face started to turn a deep shade of red.

“Any man that talks like that to a woman is fucked up in the head. Do you see that man behind me? Want to know his name? Well, in case you don’t, I’ll tell you anyway. His name is Skinner. I don’t think I need to tell you how he got that name.” Harlow snickered as the man’s eyes widened.

“Now, you can either apologize to your wife and tell her she is fucking beautiful, and you don’t care about her weight because you love her, and fucking mean it. Or you can choose to receive a bitch slap from every woman standing here except Savannah because you hurt her, and Zeke will end you. Or you can choose to deal with my husband and let me give you a piece of advice on your options. The first would be a wise move. We are biker ol’ ladies, we don’t hold back. But more importantly, the last man that made me cry? Well, I could hear his screams from the dead.”

“Choose,” June said as she stepped up to Harlow.

“Tick-Tock motherfucker,” I snarled out.

His face was white as a sheet when he swallowed, then turned to his wife and said, “I’m sorry, Becca. That was wrong of me. You're freaking beautiful. I am a lucky man to have you in my life. You want me to carry you around? I’ll gladly do it. I just need to hit the gym first, not because of your weight, but because I need to build my strength up after I had surgery on my back six months ago.”

“Now... why couldn’t you have just said that? That was perfect,” Harlow told him as she nodded, then stepped back into Skinner's embrace.

“We ever meet you again, and you speak ill to her? I’ll turn my man loose on you,” I said just as the hostess called our party to the stand.

We made it to our table and then placed our orders with the waitress, who was smart enough not to hit on the men.

I looked at Harlow, who smirked and then said, “She’s already getting a tip.”

I nodded my head.

Then I looked at the menu and rubbed my belly, thinking about what sounded good.

Zeke leaned in and asked, “What does my baby want?”
