Page 9 of Sparrow's Grace

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He simply nodded and then asked, “Where are you wanting to go?”

“Always heard Tennessee was nice,” I said as I recalled back a few years ago when another MC had stopped by on their way to Oregon and I had seen how they treated their women. If I could have that kind of protection somewhere, then I would move there for my baby.

He smirked, “Can place a call to Powers., Pres of Wrath MC, Dogwood chapter. They dominate that area. Have him keep an eye out for you.”

I smiled a small smile at that, “That would be great.”

“I’ll call the club’s lawyer. Got someone that wouldn’t mind buying your parents’ house. I’ll have the prospects help you pack up and sell what you need.”

That night, as I stared at boxes the prospects had dropped off, I enjoyed my cake. I even ate two slices and suddenly, I didn’t care if it went to my ass.

Because two weeks later, I was starting over. I had everything I owned in a U-Haul trailer I had rented, and the back of my father’s truck loaded down with his bike. That was something I refused to part with. And it would go to my baby, a boy or a girl.

“You need me, don't hesitate to call. I mean it, Savannah. May not have known what Deck was doing, but I should have. Been giving the man a pass for the past seven years, think it's high time he gets his ass in gear.” Gaston brought me into his arms and hugged me.

“I owe him a few good swift kicks in his ass for how he’s been treating you. To be honest we thought you were okay with him being with the club bunnies. I’m sorry we didn’t bother to ask,” Felicia told me as she too pulled me into her arms and that alone told me that Gaston and she had talked.

When she released me, she said, “Now, I want pictures. I want to know what’s happening with the baby. I want to be there for the birth. I’ll be an honorary grandmother. But I won’t be called Grandma, I want to be known as Nonnie.”

“Nonnie, I like that.” I smiled at her while tears gathered in my eyes.

And with that, I walked to my father’s blacked-out, jacked-up, GMC truck that I had dubbed as Iron Hide from one of my favorite movies when he bought it.

Starting it up, I waved at them, and then my baby and I were off to hopefully something better. Something new.

What I didn’t know was that my something new was going to be something that I hadn’t seen coming. Quite literally, in fact.

Chapter 2


With my back to the room, my eyes were on every entry and exit point. Locating the men and women that could possibly be here to end me, I’m always scanning my surroundings. It’s not just that I’m prior military that causes me to do this, even though I know that I still look the part.

Black hair cut short on top and shaved on the sides, my beard neatly trimmed, myOakley’sperched on the top of my head, the full sleeve tattoos on both arms. Straight down to the tight-fitted black t-shirt and black cargo pants I have on, and my kutte.

No, the reason I always scan all entry and exit points is simple. A matter of survival. Well, it’s one of two reasons.

The first is when you add on to the fact that I’m in an MC and we have enemies aplenty, we always need to have our heads on a swivel and always watching our six.

And the second? Well, the second reason has been instilled in me since I was old enough to learn that when a father beats you, it’s not out of love. No, it's pure viciousness.

And when you accidentally get one spoon too much of a helping? That was a backhand across the face.

Forget to keep the toilet seat up at four? That was a kick to the backside.

Forget to take the trash out before momma got home at five years old? That too earned a punch to the belly.

Even though the old bastard is miles away from here, I still look for him. I still find myself doing things and then sweating and looking over my shoulder to ensure that he’s not lurking in the shadows watching me.

At thirty-two years old, it’s still a bad habit to break.

I should tell you that I hated getting my ass kicked for the smallest of things. But I can’t say that.

While I was big for my age, my mother wasn’t. She was a small thing. She wouldn’t live through one of my dad’s beatings or, as he called them,Lessons Learned.

And being aware of my surroundings as I was doing now, that was how I saw the bastard that was four tables away from me slip something in a girl’s ice water. Right in the middle of the diner in broad fucking daylight while she had her head turned to talk to what I assumed to be a friend of hers.

Piece of fucking shit.
