Page 13 of Protector

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I’ve only ever called her for work when shit isn’t okay, and that realization guts me. We’ve wasted a fucking year.

“It’s Luna. She called me at the arena. She’s getting hassled by some thugs. I’m pulling in now and will have her secured in less than ten minutes.”

“Thank you. I have no doubt she’s in safe hands with you. Harris?”

I’m ashamed by how easily my cock thickens at her praise. If I’m not what she wants forever, in the same way I want her, I’ll likely break.

“Yes?” It’s my answer to her request as much as it is a question in response to her asking.

“Will you bring her here to my room at the waterfront hotel and suites?”

It’s cute she thinks I don’t know exactly where she’s staying, in room 3339.

“Of course,” I answer before hanging up and bolting out of my truck.

Hurrying through the now mostly empty parking lot, I rush into security and find Tom from earlier. With a simple nod, he follows after me, clearing me at every door that tries to stop us. We reach the room in minutes, and sure as shit, two hulking goons in cliché silk shirts and gold chains sit there, flipping through a magazine, comfortably waiting to get paid. Well, much like last time I dealt with this, Ivy’s bank account won’t be touched.

“Gentleman,” I say, running my hand down my smooth beard. This beauty really should win awards.

“It’s twenty grand, big man, due immediately.”

Short and to the point. I like that.

“No.” My reply is simple, and I casual take my stance, folding my arms across my broad chest. Tom goes into the bathroom to get Luna.

“Excuse me?” the blond tool stutters as if he can’t believe what I said.

“We’re not paying you shit, and you have exactly ten minutes after we leave to get off the property before we charge you with stalking.”

These boys aren’t professionals. I suspect by their nervous glances to one another they were manipulated by Luna, and when she needed to pay up, she called me instead.

But it’s not my place to stir up trouble. I just have to protect her.

Speaking of the devil makes her appear, and she jets out the door, without a backward glance.

“Have a good night, boys.”

The blond opens his mouth to speak but shuts it quick.

I wait an appropriate ten seconds before leaving. I thank Tom and his team then find Luna playing on her phone when I get in my truck.

Pulling out, we remain quiet. I almost think I’ll escape without dreaded conversation, but I’m not that lucky.

“Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. You’re my hero.”

I hate the sudden flirty tone, so I turn up the radio. Still, she stares at me, giving me an uneasy feeling. I do not need the queen of chaos to take a sudden interest in me.

When we arrive at the hotel, I pull up to valet then haul ass upstairs to Ivy, Luna trailing behind me.

Once we’re in the elevator, that uneasy feeling comes back.

“I’m going to get my own room, and I want you to spend the night with me.”

Even her sexual passes are entitled.

“With all do respect, Ms. Morgan, that is strictly forbidden and not on my agenda in any capacity. I’m going to deliver you safely to your sister and bid you both goodnight.”

After I’ve learned so much about Ivy, it will pain me not to claim her tonight and explore more.
