Page 25 of Beards and Babies

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“Yeah. I know.”

“Why so nervous?” I ask, genuinely surprised he’s nervous until he pulls out a small box.

Opening it, he shows me the big diamond ring. Well, I’ll be a son of a gun. That was fast, but—

“Damn, I’m happy for you, brother,” I tell him honestly, pulling his shoulder until we embrace. Slapping one another on the back, I take it all in, a moment I feared would never happen again. Milo’s sharing an monumental success with me. After all the bruises our friendship took, I’ve been worried we’d never be the same.

As we hug, the emotions build, and tension eases in his shoulders.

“Thank you, brother,” he replies. “I want you to know I’m happy for you, too. It stung like a motherfucker to find out I’d been hating the baby daddy for fucking months for taking off and it was you. No one knows more than me how cut off from the world you were out there. And then, Robin not telling me hurt even worse. It felt like she lied, but I understand why she did. I wish she would have known you as well as I do. She wouldn’t have doubted you stepping up. You’re a damn good man, and I’m proud to call you my brother.”

Choked, I stay silent and let him pull me back for another hug. As if he knew all the hurt I still held onto, my best friend kills my fears.

I’m filled with gratitude, and he’s not done.

“For what it’s worth, I think you’re already doing a great job. Your little family clearly loves you.”

And now, I’m crying on his shoulder like a fuckin’ baby. We must be a sight. Two giants in loving embrace while the short one cries.

Laughing, I push him off me.

“Damn it. I love you, man.” I point to him, so he knows I’m serious, but I wipe my eyes and keep my distance.

After a moment to collect myself, I straighten my shirt and brush off my man’s shoulders.

“Okay, big guy, this is your moment. A memory you’re making for you and your future wife.”

“Holy shit, I’m going to puke.”

“Wait until after National Geographic takes your pretty picture,” I reply, slapping his face a bit. “You’ve got this, Milo. She’s a lucky woman, and I’m so happy for the both of you.”

“What if she says no?”

“She’s going to say yes because she loves you and wants you, too. I can counter every bad scenario running through your head, but let’s save some time. Go get your girl and your global magazine cover.”

“All of our dreams are coming true.”

I remember all the bucket list wishes we put together as kids and nod.

“Cheesy and I’ll never admit to saying this, but we’re getting our happily ever afters, my friend.”

“Deserved,” he replies.

And just like that, our friendship is back to its former glory. Milo is going to be engaged and soon start a family of his own. The two never stop talking about it, so I’m predicting a baby announcement to quickly follow their engagement.

As I watch Milo and Meno pose with the buried treasure they found, I smile for our future. Our kids will be cousins and as close as best friends. Our families will continue the tradition our parents started, vacationing together, and we’ll live long full lives down in the hot sands of Candy Cane Key.

The end…
