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“Please show Ms. Drake to her room. I believe she’s feeling the jet lag from her trip.”

I had no choice but to follow Xana deeper into the dragon’s lair.


Xana led me down a long hallway. The black granite was a familiar motif. Enormous gold-leafed mirrors flanked each wall, and I watched my many reflections, fascinated how the red of my dress stood out like a flame against the gold of my skin. My slippered feet made no sound against the hard floor.

We came to a curved staircase at the end of a hallway. The steps were so opaque you could barely see where one began and the next ended. The handrails were columns of twisted black iron that spiraled to the upper floors. Xana led me up three flights and down another long hallway before stopping in front of a heavy oak door. She left me there without so much as a goodbye.

I was truly alone. I opened the door to my new prison and was pleased to find it was more than accommodating. The bed was large—lush with a red satin comforter and sheets. Sheer drapes in a matching shade were tied back to the corners of a massive four-poster bed.

Thick black carpeting had replaced the granite and was soft under my feet. The walls and ceiling were painted a flat black to match. Red satin curtains hung from the windows. I was relieved to see there was actual electricity in the room instead of the candles that seemed prevalent throughout the rest of the palace. Gleaming gold sconces flanked the doors and windows and a fluidly curved chandelier hung from the ceiling.

The luggage I’d left at the airport was neatly stacked in the closet. My clothes had been unpacked and put away by some unknown servant. Not that I needed the clothes I’d brought. A look through the wardrobe and drawers showed a full selection of clothing for every occasion. A look at the exclusive tags showed they just happened to be in my size. Hanging face front on the door of the wardrobe was a peignoir of the sheerest silk. I rubbed the fabric between my fingers, and my dragon sighed in envy. My dragonlovedexpensive clothing. I closed the door before I could think better of putting it on, and put myself out of temptation’s way.

A lady’s writing desk sat in the corner, complete with stationery and a gold pen. And on top of the desk sat my purse. Before I could think better of it, I rushed to it and pulled out my cell phone. I automatically dialed Noah’s number and held my breath until I heard his voice on the other end.

“Rena,” he said on a whoosh of relief as soon as he picked up. “I’m glad you called. I’ve had a terrible feeling all day, but I haven’t been able to see anything.”

Just hearing his voice released the tension I’d been holding in my shoulders. “That’s not unusual. You’ve never been able to read me. My shields are too strong.”

“No, I mean I can’t see anything. Not your brother. Not the average person walking past me on the street. My visions are completely gone. Someone has me blocked. I can feel the guards they’re forcing down on me. I don’t know how they’re doing it, but it’s really ticking me off. Are you okay?”

After the power I’d just seen Julian wield, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he could control another psychic across an entire continent.

“I’m fine,” I said, deciding to keep Julian’s power to myself for now. “I’m in one piece at least.”

“Do you need me? I can be there in a heartbeat.”

“You’ll have to tell me how you’d accomplish that before I let you. You have too many secrets, Noah.”

I had so many emotions fighting for space within me. I didn’t know Noah well, but I was drawn to him. Not the dragon in me. But thehumanme. He made me nervous with his mysterious answers and his need to protect me with his life. His need to love me. Even thinking about his words from the night before gave me chills. Love was foreign to me. But there was something comforting about it at the same time. I didn’t know how to deal with these emotions. But I knew I needed normalcy in my life. I wanted normalcy. What made me even more nervous was the chance that I might get Noah killed by bringing him into Julian’s territory. It would put an end to normal, that’s for sure. I couldn’t risk his life by exposing him to Drakán business. No matter how strong his own abilities.

“Rena…” He hesitated. “My people are looking over our situation. They’ll eventually give in and let me tell you what I know. Just be patient.”

“Yeah, that’s really not one of my better personality traits.” I rubbed at my gritty eyes with my fingers. “Just stay put for now, Noah. I don’t think this is a mess you want to get in the middle of.”

I could practically hear his silent struggle to argue on the other end of the phone, before the struggle eased and his breathing changed.

“What’s really bothering you?” I asked. “Besides me being here.”

“Don’t ever doubt that I want you, Rena,” he said, his voice tight with frustration. “I’m worried about you because I care about you. That’s how relationships work. And I don’t know how to warn you to be careful without spilling the secrets I’m oathbound to keep.”

“I’m not asking you to break your oath. I understand secrets better than anyone.”

“Just know that you’re special—in different ways than you think. And I think you might be in greater danger than you realize. Just know there are others outside your own race who might wish to do you harm. You have to keep your senses open and your guard up all the time. They’ll strike when you’re weak.”

“Believe me. I’m used to that concept.”

“Just promise me you’ll be careful. And watch your back around the man you’ve decided to hunt. He’s dangerous. I don’t know what it is about him, but he’s more than you think he is. And you’ll be blinded by his strength and drawn to his power.” The bitterness in Noah’s voice rang out loud and clear.

“What is it you’re trying to tell me?” I asked.

“Yesterday, before my visions were blocked, I kept seeing you with someone. The same scene played over and over again. His hair was as dark as yours, and his hands were pale against the gold of your skin. Your lives are entwined somehow. But so are ours, Rena. Remember that when you’re with him.”

“You have no say in my life,” I said. “You’ve known me a day.”

“It only took me a minute.”
