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Mount Drummondsey was built like a resort town, except there were no humans who lived or worked there. It sat empty and unused most of the year. The main castle sat at the apex of the mountain, and as you traveled farther down the hill, small bungalows dotted the rough terrain. It was shielded by magic, and only dragons could see the haven through the clouds that rolled low over the mountains. The mountain was filled with wild game, so the hunting was plentiful and everyone’s bellies stayed full.

The castle was six stories of gray stone, turrets, and towers. Private terraces and wood-burning fireplaces accompanied every room. It was lush and beautiful, and impossible to enjoy with all the hostility behind its walls.

Drakán came from all over the Earth Realm for two solid days, until every room in the castle and all of the bungalows were bursting at the seams. Julian had made it clear that it was too dangerous for human mates and children to attend the summit, and had forbidden them from even entering the country.

Most of the Drakán I welcomed didn’t particularly want to be there, and they were more than happy to let me know the fact by causing as much mischief as possible. Arguments and fights broke out constantly between enemy clans, and I spent most of my time settling petty disputes.

“I saw it first!” A female Drakán roared as she held on for dear life to a tapestry that dated back to the days of William the Conqueror, clearly intent on adding the item to her hoard. She was dressed in a well-cut pantsuit of winter white, and her blond hair was pulled back in an elegant chignon. She spoke in her native Russian tongue.

“You lie,” said another female in a lyrical hiss. Her auburn hair and Ancient green eyes were electric with anger. “I had it in me hands when you came and snatched it away.”

I remembered what Julian said about acting like a queen and not backing down. I couldn’t fight them like I would as if I were acting as Enforcer. My power to control the mind only went so far. I didn’t have anything to back it up with other than finding another dragon to set them on fire. A queen would definitely have other tricks up her sleeve.

I drew on Julian’s power for reassurance and cast it out at the two women. The magic weighed heavy on them until they had no choice but to drop to their knees in submission. I took the tapestry out of the blonde’s hands and hung it back on the wall.

Both women looked at me with fire flaming from their eyes, and I could feel their beasts writhing in anger inside them. I sensed the Russian’s powers and dismissed her. She was a weakling. She’d didn’t even have the ability to call her dragon form. But I kept an eye on the red-haired Ancient. Her beast was close to the surface, and if she shifted before I got her under control I’d lose the upper hand.

Her magic swelled, tasting mine as I’d tasted hers, and she smirked as she was obviously unimpressed with what she’d found. I pulled hard on the thread that bound Julian and me, and our combined magic kept her beast contained. The smirk disappeared as she lost control of her magic. An invisible force pushed her head down low so she had no option but to bow before me. The Russian whimpered, but I ignored her fear.

I opened my senses further and absorbed the Ancient’s anger and magic, until she was snuffed out like a candle. She lay prone on the floor, and her body tremored with aftershocks.

“This is my home, and the things in it belong to me,” I told them, hoping Julian really meant it when he’d said what was his was now mine. “You will abide by my rules, or I will leave you as you are—weak and helpless—no better than human beggars. Have I made myself clear?”

Both women bowed as low as they could, their bellies touching the ground, and cried out their promises to obey. I released Julian’s magic and my bindings on them dissolved. I walked away, and my hands didn’t start shaking until I was behind the walls of my own room. Every step I took to secure Julian’s position as king and my place beside him left us more open to challenges from other Drakán. I hoped to the gods we would be strong enough to defeat them all.

* * *

While I was playing hostess to the world’s most horrible houseguests, Julian and the other Archos, minus my father, were closeted away in a private room discussing the terms of his plan to defeat The Destroyer.

I knew the exact moment when Julian told them he expected all the clans to unite and recognize him as king until The Destroyer could be defeated—the mountain trembled and the castle walls shook with their anger. Each Archos roared out a resounding denial at his proposal, but Julian wasn’t worried about their lack of cooperation. He told me things would work out, and he’d been right.

It wasn’t long after dinner was over when the Russian Archos, Milos, disappeared from his room. There was no trace of him. One moment he was dining with his sister, and the next he vanished into thin air, leaving a hysterical Drakán behind who screamed her way through the castle. The feel of fear in the castle was oppressive as I ran quickly to find Julian and hear what had happened.

The remaining two Archos were already gathered in Julian’s study by the time I got there. I didn’t bother to knock as I walked through the shield Julian had erected around the room. I was technically Archos for my own clan, and had every right to be there. I didn’t think about it as I walked into the room, but I instinctively made my way to Julian and stood at his side.

He put his arm possessively around my waist and pulled me close. “Rena, may I introduce to you Cale of the Éire and Andres of the Rumanus.”

I nodded politely, but didn’t speak. I wasn’t sure of the dynamic Julian wanted to present. The two men looked at me dismissively.

Julian’s voice hardened as he admonished the men for their rudeness. “Rena is my true lifemate. We are the first to share the blue mating fire since the time of the Banishment. You will treat her with the same respect that you would give me.”

“It cannot be,” Andres said. “We would have heard of such a phenomenon.”

“You will be witness to it at the mating ceremony tonight,” Julian said.

They looked at me this time with curiosity and something like wonder, but they both took a moment to bow low before me in proper respect before Julian let the other shoe drop.

“She is also the daughter of Alasdair. And she is the Archos for her clan until Alasdair is returned or his death confirmed.”

Dragon fire whooshed beneath the skin of Cale and smoke curled from his nostrils. Andres wasn’t as quick to catch on, so it took a moment before his rage matched Cale’s.

“You bastard,” Cale said. “You knew this would happen.”

“I knew you would eventually see things my way,” Julian agreed. “But do not accuse me of masterminding Milos’ disappearance. The Destroyer has taken care of that all on his own. Circumstances have fallen into place and given me a powerful lifemate who holds her own clan. We are already united. There is no choice but for you to do the same. You cannot defeat the both of us.”

Julian’s words weren’t negotiable, and the two Archos’ fear and hatred of him was obvious. I opened my senses and read their thoughts. They both believed that Julian was The Destroyer, and they were only going to give in to his wishes to keep from facing the same fate as Milos.

Cale nodded stiffly. “I will go speak with my people.”
