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“Yeah, except one of Angelo Valentine’s men found you anyway,” Shane said.

“I’ll admit I made mistakes the last time,” she said. “But I promise I can disappear so no one can find me if I really wanted to. And that’s exactly what I’ll do if they try to force me into being held in protective custody.”

“Now, Rachel,” Jones said.

“Don’t bother,” Shane said abruptly. “We’ll argue about this later. Let’s just get out of here and get things done.”

The air was brittle with cold, but Rachel inhaled the icy air with relief. The night was black and the moon barely visible through the gathering clouds in the sky. They left the stolen Honda in the garage and piled into Wildcat’s big black SUV.

Rachel knew Shane was angry, but it wasn’t something that could be helped. It was probably fortunate that reality had interrupted them before things had gotten too out of hand. Shane wanted forever with her, but she couldn’t very well ask him to give up the business he’d created and go on the run with her. What kind of life was that to live? She couldn’t blame him for being angry. Their choices were limited.

Rain splattered against the windshield as the navigation system on the dash led them back to civilization. It wasn’t until they passed a familiar sight that Rachel knew where they were.

“Why are we back in Joplin? I thought we were going to Chicago?” she asked.

“We’ve got a private flight chartered to get us there tonight. It’s a nine-hour drive by car, and I think our sneak attack would lose its effect if we showed up in broad daylight tomorrow,” Jones said.

Rachel was obviously too tired to think rationally or she would have realized this already. “How can you keep all this stuff you’re doing for us off the FBI radar?” she asked. “Won’t you get into trouble?”

“Nah, but I’m calling in a lot of favors. You’re lucky so many people owe me,” he said with a cocky smile. For some reason Wildcat’s confidence reassured Rachel, and she could tell by looking at Shane that he believed in his friend’s abilities with equal certainty.

The Joplin airport looked much different now that they weren’t being chased by gun-toting maniacs. Wildcat drove the SUV straight onto the tarmac next to a small twin engine plane that was already running and had the stairs let down for passengers to board. It was obviously a company plane of some sort as the logo on the side read NJEnterprises.

They got out of the SUV and into the steady drizzle. A man stuck his head out of the open door, and Rachel got a glimpse of one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. He wasGQcover model material, but when she got closer she could see the scar that marred his left cheek and left him not so perfect.

“Let’s move it, people,” the man said. “The weather’s only going to get worse and the temperature’s dropping.” His head disappeared back into the cabin.

“As I live and breathe,” Shane said, pushing her up the short flight of steps and into the threshold of the tiny cabin. “Is that you, Jax?”

“And who the hell else would be flying you around in the middle of the night? Just like old times, right, Ace?” And then the man smiled and Rachel was caught momentarily speechless. He was a lethal weapon, and from the wink and slow appraisal he gave her she was willing to bet he knew it.

Shane pulled her close and bared his teeth in a possessive gesture that had her raising an eyebrow. “Rachel, I want you to meet Nikolas Jacks. Don’t believe anything he tells you. Jax, this is Rachel Valentine, and she’s too smart to fall for you. Hands off. Mine.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rachel,” Jax said, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. He smiled at Shane’s growl.

“The pleasure is mine,” Rachel said, extricating her hand quickly. She didn’t like the feel of another man’s lips on her. And then she elbowed Shane in the ribs, making him grunt. “And I’m not a toy to pass around on the playground. Stop acting like a Neanderthal.”

“Are you going to make us stand in the rain all night, or are we going to get this death trap off the ground?” Jones asked from behind.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Sarge. Find a seat and get buckled. I’m ready to fly when you are.”

“I thought Jax was supposed to be guarding the banker,” Shane said to Jones.

“Cutter and I have been babysitting that guy for twenty-four hours,” Jax said. “And if Wildcat here hadn’t offered me the chance to fly I would have shot the man myself. He’s been treating us like his servants, asking for crushed ice instead of cubed and a relish tray. What in the hell is a relish tray? Believe me when I say Mr. Norman is much safer without me there. Cutter is better at that kind of thing anyway.”

“What kind of thing?” Shane asked. “Being around other people without wanting to kill them?”

“Basically,” Jax said with a shrug. “The human race is just no good.”

“I’ve told you more than once I know the name of a good therapist who will help you get over this aversion to people,” Jones said. “Now, both of you get the hell out of my way so I can sit down. Some of us work for a living.”

There were a few good-natured shoves between the men as they made their way into the small cabin. There was only enough seating for the four of them, but the chairs were oversized and made of light gray supple leather. Rachel sat in the window seat and Shane sat down next to her, immediately reclining and closing his eyes. The rain outside was hypnotic as it misted over the bright lights on the runway, but she couldn’t relax.

“We’re cleared for takeoff,” Jax said through the speaker. “We’ll arrive at Midway in about an hour and a half. I’m sorry to say this is probably going to be a bumpy ride with the weather the way it is. Stay buckled and grab some shut-eye while you can.”

That was easy for him to say, Rachel thought. The last thing she wanted was sleep. There were too many doubts, too many worries, wreaking havoc in her brain. She looked over at Carrie and Jones and saw they were already preserving their energy with a nap. And Shane was no better beside her. Wasn’t anyone else worried? If the plan didn’t work, they could all be dead by morning.

Shane reached over and took her hand and squeezed it gently, telling her without words to relax. His touch did amazing things to her body, and she almost believed everything was going to turn out all right when he was near.

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