Page 24 of XXXVII: The Elite

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Sitting between Royal and Gemini is the one person in the whole world I wanted to avoid at all costs.

Synclair Keyingham.

The younger brother of the guy my own brother confessed to killing.



For the first time in years, morning excites me.

I wake up, and instead of lying in bed, wondering how long I can stay there before Ihaveto move, I get up and open the blinds. My room has a view of the back garden, and the slowly rising sun is only just starting to highlight the beds of roses.

Even before he became the Elite’s previous president, Preston du Pont, my brother’s best friend, had the whole of the garden landscaped, planting the roses in JP’s honor. Although I never really associated my brother with flowers, it’s a nice memorial.

Some days, I loathe seeing it.

Today, the blooms, still curled up as they wait for the sun, serve as motivation.

Blood red.

I won’t rest until I’ve gotten my revenge for JP, and if blood needs to be spilled, so be it.

Turning, I focus my attention on the vivarium on the other side of the room. Basil is still awake and waiting for me to feed him. I walk over, pulling open the door and reaching in to hold my hand out. The green basilisk climbs onto my arm and his tongue flickers out to test my skin as he does.

“I missed you,” I tell him as I run a finger along the crest on his head.

I’ve had him since I started here. When I made the decision to go to China, and to also live on campus this year, I had his vivarium built and moved him. Gemini promised me he’d look after him, and to give him credit, he has. Basil looks well.

After helping him back into his home, I get out his food and place some mealworms in his bowl, but also add some cockroaches for a treat.

Since today’s classes don’t start until the afternoon, and I’m up this early, I decide to hit the gym now, rather than later. I can practically feel all the energy thrumming inside me, and if I want to play the long game, I need to keep it at bay.

About an hour after I’ve been distracted lifting weights, Royal walks in, whistling to himself. He stops the moment he sees me, pulling his AirPods from his ears.

“How long have you been in here?”

My shirt is soaked in sweat, but I’m not even tired. “A while.”

Royal walks over to the treadmill and jumps on, but instead of starting it up, he turns back to me. “Look, I’m going to ask this because you’re more of a family to me than my own, and no matter how you answer, you’re still my bro, and I’ll have your back for life, but… are you sure you want to go down this route?”

“JP is dead, and her brother is the one who murdered him. My dad tried to pull strings and get him into a less secure prison, but he couldn’t. The only way we’re going to get to him is through his sister, and she was stupid enough to come here.”

Despite Royal’s presence, I’ve not stopped my reps.

Royal stares at me for the longest time, but I don’t drop my gaze, nor do I set the weights down. Finally, he just nods before turning the machine on and starting his run.

We work out together in silence, or rather, Royal listens to his music. I’ve never cared for music while working out.

By the time we’ve both finished, I’m famished. I head back upstairs for a shower and to dress. The work-out has removed the restless energy I had, and now I feel focused.

Today is the day.

When I get downstairs, both Royal and Gemini are waiting by the door.

My father has always said a good suit is like armor. Even when it was JP set to take the family legacy back to the White House, he insisted that we always leave the house representing the Keyingham name. Some of my earliest memories are of visits to the tailor.

While I’m not wearing a suit for breakfast, I’ve tried. Royal… is smart, but casual in his jeans. Gemini, as per his usual, is wearing some all-black outfit that makes him look like he belongs in a skate park instead of representing the Elite.
