Page 6 of XXXVII: The Elite

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Just by the door is a mirror, and I can see that my cheeks are as red as they feel.Great. I push my own suitcase into the room, but I don’t shut the door behind me.

That doesn’t stop Royal from sitting down on the bed. He bounces on it a couple of times before his lips curl into a sneer of disdain. When he catches me watching him, he shrugs. “No expense was spared on this mattress.”

“At least you don’t need to worry about that, considering you won’t be sleeping in it.”

He lets out an exclamation of air, like he was going to laugh but thought better of it. But there’s a smile on his face. “To be fair, there wouldn’t be much sleeping involved.”

I don’t know what it is about this guy that has heat pooling between my legs, but I’m halfway to challenging him to make good on that statement. Whether that’s the right or wrong decision, I don’t have the chance to find out, because before I can say anything, he’s on his feet and walking over to me.

With my poker face back in play, hiding my disappointment, I just stare up at him.

“I’ll collect my pay later.” He walks through the door, holding onto the door frame as he pauses to look at me. “At the Freshman Welcome Mixer.” And then, reaching out to grab the door, he pulls it closed with him as he walks away.

Letting out the longest sigh, I lean back against the wall and close my eyes.

I didn’t have ahard‘no-guys’ rule. But guysarea distraction.

I am here on a scholarship, and if I want to keep it, I need to keep my grades up. Between studying and trying to get to the bottom of my brother’s case, there isn’t going to be much time left for relationships.

But I wasn’t expecting to have a god carry my case to my room and leave me wishing we’d broken in the bed.

Thankfully, Royal looks like he’d happily welcome most of the freshmen if they gave him half a chance.

The party is run by the faculty and sounds boring as hell. The invitation—they sent an actual embossed card in the welcome pack—has an actual dress code, already expecting us to wear thecollegeuniform.

What kind of party was he expecting?

I open my eyes, my gaze drifting to the suitcase that’s hiding my little battery-operated friend. I’ve got a couple of hours to unpack, shower and change… and definitely time for some quality alone time.

Just as I’m about to take matters into my own hands, a knock on the door behind me makes me jump out of my skin.



Iyank open the door. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it’s not one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life.

If there is anybody who looks as visually perfect next to Royal, it’s this woman.

I made out with a girl once, back in high school. Although she had the softest lips of anyone I’d ever kissed, that make-out session confirmed I was cursed to like men.

But damn, this girl in front of me now is stunning. Her brown hair, which is half pulled back with the rest curling down her back, has about three inches of hot pink from the ends. She’s got brown eyes that seem to sparkle, and heart-shaped lips that are slowly parting.

“Good god, you’re hot.” Although they’re my thoughts, they’re coming from the woman in front of me.

“I mean, same.”

She blinks a couple of times and then her cheeks flush as she takes a step back. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

I nod. “And I’m absolutely not upset about it.”

“Good. Because I’m not hitting on you.” She purses her lips. “I mean, I could, but I’d have to run it past my partners first.”

She steps back into the hall, beckoning me to follow her. Curious, I do. To the room directly next to mine. She walks in but I stop in the doorway, my eyes widening at all the pink.

My dorm room has dark wooden furniture, off-white walls, and a set of new pillows. The only color comes from the blue—the royal blue of the school’s color—in the room’s curtains. There is absolutely no character—exactly like I expect to find in a college dorm.

This room, however, has baby pink walls and the lingering aroma of fresh paint. The owner of the room has already put up hot pink curtains, thrown a matching bed set on the bed, and there’s a fluffy rug the same color in the middle of the floor. Even all the notebooks and accessories on her desk are varying shades of pink.
