Page 70 of Stay With Me

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"Ignore it," James growled lustfully against my earlobe, causing me to shiver in anticipation.

The bell rang again, making me sigh softly before telling him,

“Ugh, if we don’t answer, they will keep ringing the doorbell,” I told him and pulled away, heading towards the door. When I opened it, a UPS delivery guy was waiting with a small package.

“Good evening. Are you Ava Monroe?” He asked me.

“Yes, I am.”

“Good. Could you please sign right here?”

“Yes.” I took the device he offered me and signed the tiny screen.

He took it back and handed me the box. “All set. You have a great night, ma’am.”

“You too.”

I closed the door and returned inside, where James stood by the kitchen counter, pouring himself a glass of water.

“Someone sent me something,” I said, placing the mysterious package on the table.

James raised an eyebrow while I examined the label; there was only my name and address but no sender information. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened it, and my heart stopped as soon as I saw what was inside – a picture of me walking down the street, cradling my tiny baby bump.

On the back of the picture were the menacing words: “A life for a life.”

To be continued…
