Page 113 of My Everything

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I wanted to say it back, but a noise from downstairs stole my words and attention. Kaylie spun, grabbing my arm.

“Someone’s coming,” she breathed. I gave a stiff nod, pushing her back while reaching for the gun tucked into my belt.

“It’s me,” a voice said. “Put that down.”

I lowered the weapon, but not my guard. Roni, the redhead, appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Izzy sent me to say the coast is clear,” she said, eyeing the dead man with surprise. “I see you’ve been busy up here, too. Who the fuck’s that?”

I narrowed my eyes, adjusting my grip on the gun. “And who the fuck areyou?” My voice was harsh, but I didn’t care. Since she showed up, things went to hell and fast. “Why should I trust you?”

Roni grinned. “You shouldn’t.” She gestured toward the stairs. “Coming or not?”


She ignored me, darting back down the stairs, and disappeared out of sight.

“Come.” Kaylie tugged at my arm. “I wanna see Izzy and Dom.”

I had no choice but to follow. If I didn’t, she’d be going alone, and that was out of the fucking question. Not after being ambushed by some motherfucker who knew Julie. Or about her. I still didn’t know which. All I knew was it hurt. It fucking ripped open old wounds that never truly healed. I blamed myself every fucking day for not being able to save her. For being careless. For letting someone into our home…

The thought struck me like a bolt of icy-cold lightning. I never believed it was as simple as a robbery gone wrong. But what if there was so much more to it? What if it was planned? What if the bastard who took her from me knew exactly who she was and where to find her…

“Marc?” Kaylie’s voice slowly pulled me out of my head and back to the present. “Hey!” She stopped me, two hands on my chest and two worried blue eyes searching my face. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I gave her a stiff smile, forcing myself to let it go.

We stepped into Izzy’s private little hospital room, and the sudden bright lamps above made me wish to cover my eyes. The stark contrast to the rest of the dimly lit house was blinding.

“Rumors say you shot someone upstairs.”

My eyes traveled over Izzy, to land on Dominic in time for him to jump down from a table to stand. Roni stood beside him, eyes never leaving his face, and one hand reaching out to touch him. He stepped away, and her hand dropped. The worry in her pale blue eyes spoke of history between them. Her unwanted support, even more so. She might not be the enemy, but she sure as fuck was pushing it with a man who clearly didn’t want her affection.

Kaylie’s suppressed gasp didn’t go unnoticed. What did she react to? The bloodstained bandage wrapped around his stomach, or the ripped, visibly scarred body it didn’t cover enough of? If you didn’t count the tats. The man was a piece of art, I had to hand it to him. Knowing how much work it took to maintain a body as toned as his, I couldn’t help but admire it. But Kaylie. I scoffed at the jealousy I couldn’t deny. I was fucking jealous that she was looking at him and clearly liking what she saw.

“What happened?” My voice came out harsher than intended, and Dominic raised a dark eyebrow, then shrugged.

“Got nicked. Nothing serious.”

Izzy rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, “Men,” and Kaylie giggled.

“You’ll feel the full effect of that later.” She handed him his shirt. “Get dressed.”

Dominic chuckled, and I stared at him as he moved to take on the damn shirt without even flinching.

“Don’t worry, tough guy.” Izzy touched my arm. “Yours was a lot worse. He tells the truth for once. Plus, he’s a sucker for pain.”

I huffed, embarrassed she caught me comparing.

“Who were these people?” Kaylie asked. “Why did they attack us?”

“Enemies,” Dominic said, and I scoffed.No shit.

“Mr. X’s men?” I asked.

Dominic shook his head. “No. The Reapers.”

The…what? I frowned, not following, but before I had a chance to ask, he went on.
