Page 119 of My Everything

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“The fuck’s up with him?” Marc’s voice made us both jump and nearly fall over as we spun to face him. His eyes narrowed at me. “Are you drunk?”

“Little,” I giggled, suddenly forgetting all about Dom and the sad story. “I missed you.”

“See you around.” Max touched Izzy’s back, briefly locking his eyes with hers, then he scooped up the jacket and left.

Marc closed the gap between us, wrapping me under one arm and grabbing Izzy with his other. Muttering under his breath, he led us to the nearest couch and pushed us down. “Little?” he scoffed. “You can barely stand.”

“Sorry.” Izzy grinned. “Your girl’s fine.”

Marc groaned, taking my hand as it fumbled in his lap for something to hold.

“I think she’s searching for something else,” Izzy said, and I burst into laughter.

“For God’s sake,” Marc muttered.

I followed his gaze to the stairs and blurted, “He’s dead.”

“Who’s—” he cut himself off as realization hit. “Mr. X.”

“He did it,” Izzy said. “He finally did it.” Her voice broke and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

I let go of Marc’s hand, tumbling over to Izzy, and threw myself around her neck. She hugged me back, murmuring into my hair, “I don’t want you to go.” She hugged me tighter. “You’re my baby sister.”

“I always wanted a sister,” I sniveled.

“Hey,” Marc tried. “Girls!” His hands were on me, pulling me from Izzy and onto his lap, securing me with arms around my waist. Izzy smiled through her tears, winking at Marc’s expression as I squirmed against him, trying to break free.

“Big mistake,querido,” Izzy grinned, and my cheeks grew red as I felt him growing hard under my ass.Big, yes. But no mistake.

Marc cursed under his breath, tightening his hold on me. “Sit still,” he hissed.

“Let me go!”

“He can’t now,” Izzy purred.

“Just get the fuck out of here.” Marc snapped, but Izzy only laughed. She wiped her eyes, looking at her fingers as if surprised to find tears clinging to them.

I wiggled my ass against him, feeling rather than hearing a growl rumbling in his chest. “Are you not wearing underwear?” I asked, and he groaned, hissing in my ear.

“That’s what you want to ask in front of her?”

I considered it.Yeah. Yes, it was. I felt it too. The warmth. The rock-hard length pressed against my ass.

“Kay,” he hissed, pinning Izzy with his steel gaze. “X’s gone? What happened?”

“What do you think? Dom killed him. It’s over.”

“He looked like he took a few punches as well.”

Izzy nodded, grimacing.

I looked between Marc and Izzy and the confused look on his face.

“You’re not happy, neither is Dominic. He didn’t say a word,” he stated the obvious, and Izzy chuckled.

Then her face grew serious, and she muttered, “He did what he had to. Doesn’t mean it feels better after.”

Marc gave a small nod, and I knew he feltthatdeeper than Izzy could ever imagine. If it made sense to anyone, it was him.
